I love playing the piano,flute,guitar... and meeting people, different cultures and ideas fasinate me! i LOVE to watch football!Canoeing,the wizard of ID, sprint kayaking, karate, river kayaking, reading, rock climbing, running, hiking, concerts, music festivals, the environment... MUSIC!!! things i want to do before i die: master the piano, get my scuba diving training done, skydiving, fly a fighter jet, own a sari, go kitesurfing, travel north africa(morocco etc), Asia, europe, S America, join a band, get my pilots license, climb mt everest, write a novel, get my poetry published, learn a foreign language..
hmmmm... i guess anyone interesting and has something to share in conversation. i dont seem to meet enough intellectual people ... im interested in learning about different cultures so if you have something to share then by all means, drop me a line:)
I love practically ALL music from jazz to opera to (my fav) ROCK music.. hate rave and country western tho... LARK!! System of a Down, Linkin Park, Chevelle, 16Stitch, Blindside, Wickhead, The Rudimentals, Ladysmith Black Mambazo, Prodigy, Smashing Pumpkins, The Narrow, Frou Frou, Evanessence, The Killers, Verismo, Miles Davis, Louis Armstrong, Beethoven, QUEEN, the rolling stones, fleetwood mac... try me.. il prob like it
Chronicles of Riddik, Spongebob, Beauty and the Beast, Hotel Rwanda, The Lion King, Donnie Darko, The Ring,Pearl Harbour, Pitch Black, Final Fantasy, V for Vendetta, Independance Day, Alien Reserection, Underworld, Silence of the Lambs, Hannibal, Red Dragon, Secondhand Lions,Amelié, Lord of the Rings, The Godfather, Dirty Dancing 1, Orphan Annie... I'm addicted to dark, sinister vampire movies. STAR WARS!!! X-Men, Spiderman, Batman, Chicago, The 5th Element, Dune.
ergggh nah.. not much that iv got time for.. South Park is a yes yes tho... Viva La Bam,Two and A Half Men, My Family That 70's Show, um,er Smallville.. Murder mysteries
I love fantasy and science fiction..The Lord of the Rings, Eragon & Eldest, HARRY POTTER, Terry Brooks, Douglas Adams, David Eddings etc... im also a comic and cartoon addict: Wizard of ID, TinTin, Astrix, Madam&Eve, Calvin&Hobbes..I also love the classics.. Jane Austen, Charles Dickens, Emily Bronte... I am also known to immerse myself in non-fiction... I love history and think we can learn a lot from the past. I read a lot of ancient mythology: Greek, Roman, Egyptian... The Arabian Nights, The Rubayat, poetry... especially the works of Alfred Lord Tennyson and Wordsworth.
John Lennon,my canoeing coach (Atilla, you rock!), Michael Jackson (only kidding), batman.. he is soooo sexy! I also have a lot of respect for those people who are actively involved in relief work. The world needs more people who actually care. Nelson Mandela is the prime example of how a leader should be. He has remained humble despite his greatness and that is what truly makes him amazing.