I like to move alot! I also enjoy reading, rock climbing,hiking and hanging out with friends, family and talk to random people. I also love to go to Coffee shops!!!
I'd like to meet:
some neat people who enjoy having good conversations and who like to laugh and are just real. I am so tired of fake people. Id also like to meet my future husband that would be freakin amazing!
Im into a variety of music!
Watch Video:
Somewhere I Belong (Linkin Park)
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Remember the Titans and Little Rascals
Biggest Loser and Extreme Home Makeover are some of my faviorites as of now!
The Bible, and I like to read lots of different books! Lately I have been into some of the classics like Phantom of the Opera and Les Misarables
My top Hero is Jesus Christ I would be no where and no one with out Him. My friends and family for they have been there for me through a lot