My name is Socom. I have gone beyond the past, and am living in the present. Life right now, I can say it's going very good. I am happy with it. I don't want any drama. I am a laid back person and a random one too. So if you got anything to say about my randomness, you could fucken suck it. I may sometimes say dirty things, as a joke because it amuse me and I think it's funny. Big deal, who doesn't. I could get loud when I have to, thats me. I can't change who I am, if I did that wouldn't be me, would it? Well, I love shooting games, love love love it with a passion. I love playing halo 3 live, i'm jane d03 for those who wants to play. I also play cs at times, when I feel like it. I also play Call of duty 4 on live. I am in a relationship for almost a year now, with my babe Michael. I [ hit me up a comment here bezzy...
I love Michael. *blowing kisses. muahzz