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I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

yo if you think you are okay morally compare yourself and see if you kept Gods Holy Law, you know have you ever lied,stoled, or commit adultery, if you have you violated Gods Holiness and righteousness, and broke his Holy Law. You have fallen short, miss the mark, and sinned againts your Creator, His Holliness and His righteousness and His Holy Law demands punishment on the sinner and the Law braker.So what are you going to to do on that day, when you meet your Creator,Jesus Christ took your payment of sin on the cross for you, toward God So you wont face His DREDFULL WRATH againts sin toward you.Oh what a sacrifice He made for you. Do not treat this as something commen or something just to disregard, Christ prooved His Love, or should I say God Showed His Love, toward His creation.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

The Shakina glory my Savior Jesus Christ,and God my Father

My Blog

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