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wun luv

Move in passion, rest in reason.

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'Made by Kelsey, jacked by mehh.' MAD PROPS KELSEY!

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Amateur Teen Carnaval Dancer - For more amazing video clips, click hereThere are many tragedies that litter people's lives. One of these terrible tragedies is the death of a loved one or friend. It is especially difficult to accept a death, when they die young and unexpected. Ryan Tyson was in the prime of his life when he died. He was a freshman in college. I know that it is hard to believe that someone who was so close to so many of us could just be gone. There aren't a lot of people who didn't recognize that smile, or who hadn't looked into those sad eyes. Despite his love for trouble, Ryan was such a nice person. Never had I ever observed him be mean to anyone. From the first time that you met Ryan, you couldn't forget him. I hope that he remains just as unforgettable in his death. Let Ryan live on in our memories, and allow his death to not have been in vain. Life is truly precious. Death can happen to any one of us. In honor of Ryan, don't drink and drive. He was a man that everyone loved; there was never anything mean come from his mouth. He was a lover of men. We should honor him with all the good times we had. Lift our cups up to the sky and give a toast to all the great things he did. Remember how he changed our lives and added to it. You were a great man sir and all of us down here will never forget you. I hope to see you again my comrade, friend and brother. Pass this on in Ryan's memory.


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Vicious Cycle

New York skate scene vid