Me, Betty & Lisa @ Lotus
Lisa, Ronnie, & Me @ Lotus
Me & Ry Ry @ Lounge
Me & Lisa @ Tsunamis
Me & Papo On his Bday
Ive already met the one who makes my heart melt.. my daughter...
The choice of a career path and of a lifetime partner are probably the two most important decisions (apart from salvation) that we ever make. Does the Bible offer us some guidance in the latter?‘Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife’. Genesis 2:24.When looking for a relationship, a Christian should always choose someone who shares their values, principles and faith. The Bible warns us not to date or marry an unbeliever. 2 Corinthians 6:14.God has a good and great plan for your life. Don’t even date, let alone marry a non-believer. Some think that they can go out with someone who is not a Christian, without letting it get serious. You can’t stop yourselves falling in love in a long term relationship, so don’t make it harder on yourself and fall for the wrong one - don’t miss God's best!People who have married non-believers find that they cannot share their walk with the Lord with their spouse. It causes them great pain – and they are not able to serve God properly, let alone enter into their destiny! Is that what you want for yourself?
LoViE dOviE mUsiC... House, Dance, Trance, Techno, Drum n Bass... Hip Hop, Alternative... i pretty much listen to every and anything!! !
SeReNdiPiTy, A MaN aPaRt, nEvEr bEeN kiSsEd, BlOw, hOw tO LoSe a GuY iN 10 DaYs, ScArFaCe, TrAfFiC, HoNeY, yOu gOt SeRvEd, MeAn GiRLs, QuEeN oF tHe DaMnEd, aLL tHe bLaDeS..Gosh there are so many movies.. i love dvd tuesdays!!
F.R.I.E.N.D.S (i still watch the re-runs), C.S.I LaS VeGaS, C.S.I Miami, Will & Grace, Medium, Criminal Minds, Law & Order SVU, Girls Next Door. and disney channel... since kylie likes to watch certain shows on there...
Memoirs of a Geisha... The Bible!
mY mOmMiE & my Daughter, she shows me what real unconditional love is. And JUANDOLICOUS WHO IS KUFFALICIOUS!!!
the one who deserves you, is the one who thinks he doesnt..