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Great About Yourself Myspace Survey(Not many like this!)
† The Who's †
Who was the last person to hug you?: MaKaYlA
Who did you talk to last?: ** FAcT DADDY **
Who saw you cry last?: MaMa
Who is your crush/boyfriend/girlfriend/other?:
Who can you tell everything to?: DaWnE
Who's your funniest friend?: MaNdY
Who's your most hyper friend?: FaNCy
Who's the best friend of your life?: LiNdA
Who made you cry last?:
Who would be the best president out of all your friends?: DaWnE
Who is your favorite music artist (NOT a band)?: T.I.P.
Who was the first person you've ever crushed on?: ToNy PoWeLL
Who likes you right now?: EvErYOnE
Who do you miss?: No*OnE
? The What's ?
What time is it?: 11:54
What's your favorite possession?: My HoUsE
What's the best way to spend Friday night?: ChIllIn' WiT My MaN
What's your favorite pick-up line?:
What are you wearing?: T * ShIrT
What do you do when you're upset?: SoMeTiMeS I Be ThRoWiNg ShIt
What's the best snack in the world?: FrUiT RoLL UpS
What kind of clothes do you wear?: DiFFeReNt StYlEs
What's one of your weird quirks that nobody really understands?: My AttItUdE
What's one thing that you must have?: A CaR AnD SuMpTiN 2 SmOkE
What's the worst taste ever?:
What body part on someone else is your favorite?: EyEs
What is one turn-off when it comes to relationships?: LiArS
What is your favorite thing to do when you're home?: I ClEaN A LoT
? The Where's ?
Where was the last place you drove to?: HoTeL DoWnToWn DaLLaS
Where is your favorite place to be at?: MiAmI --- On SoUtH BeAcH 4ShO
Where did you have your first kiss?: FooTbALL GaMe
Where is your favorite place to shop?: A FeW PlAcEs
Where were you when 9/11 happened?: DaLLaS--- MaDiSoN On ThE PaRkWaY
Where are you during the day most?: At HoMe
Where do you keep your clothes at home?: In My ClOsEt
Where is your bed in your bedroom?: In ThE MiDDlE
Where is your best friend right now?: 1 in DaLLaS * 1 in MiAmI * 1 in TeNNeSSee
Where do you want to go on vacation?: BaHaMaS
Where do you want to live when you're older?: On ThE BeAcH SoMeWhErE In My 20 MiLLiOn DoLLaR EsTaTe
Where would you go if you could take a free vacation?: LoTs Of PlAcEs --- BaHaMaS
Where did you go to a party last?: VeGaS---- NeW YeArS 2oo7
Where is one place that you absolutely HATE?: DeNvEr CoLoRaDo
‡ The When's ‡
When was the last time you showered?: 1 HoUr AgO
When did you last do something illegal?: SmOkiNg A BlUnT Now
When is the best time to watch a movie?: WhEn It RaInInG OuTsIdE
When do you brush your teeth?: MoRnInG and NiGhT
When do you like to sleep?: WhEn I GeT 2
When was the last fight you were involved in?: MaNdY ---- We WaS In CiNcInNaTi
When was the last time you laughed?: RiGhT NoW --- ThInKiN BoUt ThAt FiGhT
When will you go to college?: NeXt YeAr Or 2
When do you want to get married?: ?????
When do you think you will graduate college?: ?????
When are you most happy?: WhEn MaKaYlA HaPPy
When do you like to sing?: In ThE CaR--- BuT I CaNt SiNg
When do you like to play video games?: WiTh My MaN
When was the last time you went out of state?: JuSt GoT HoMe FrOm OrLaNdO, FL
? The How's ?
How many times do you shower daily?: At LeAsT 1, UsUaLLy 2x
How are you?: GrEaT
How do you solve a family problem?: TaLkInG It OuT
How many times did you swear today?: A FeW
How many pairs of pants do you own?: PrObLeY LiKe 30
How much money do you have right now?: PlEnTy
How many things do you own that your parents/siblings don't know about?: I HaVe My OwN HoUsE--- So A LoT
How much food do you eat daily?:
How much money did you spend on the most expensive thing you own?: My Car and HoUsE
How many times can you spin around in circles without being dizzy?: ?????
How many drugs have you done?: 2
How many times have you smoked?: EvErYDaY
How much alcohol do you usually consume?: DePeNdS
How many times do you brush your hair a day?: A FeW
*The Have You Evers*
Have you ever been on a house roof top?: YeS
Have you ever swam in an ocean?: YeS
Have you ever accidentally lock yourself in a room?: No
Have you ever gotten arrested?: YeS
Have you ever gone raving?: YeS
Have you ever baked out an entire room?: YeS
Have you ever burnt something while trying to cook?: YeS
Have you ever gone through a whole week without changing your clothes?: HeLL No
Have you ever kissed a stranger?: No
Have you ever tackled someone?: YeS
Have you ever pierced yourself?: No
Have you ever talked to yourself?: YeS
Have you ever played strip beer pong?: No
Have you ever laughed so hard you couldn't breathe?: YeS
(Aaaand now for ONE WORD RESPONSES!)
Reading:: No
Soda:: SpRiTe
Jell-o:: ChErrY
Trampoline:: FuN
Your last ex-boyfriend:: HaHa
Summer flings:: No
Ganja:: KuSh
Drinking:: SiP
Strip Clubs:: FuN
Dating:: FuN
Cookies:: OrEoS
Underwear:: LaCe
Cold:: No
Color:: GrEEn
Bed:: KiNg
Pants:: CaPrIs
Microwave:: WhaT
Toaster:: WhaT
Blender:: WhaT
Magic:: CiTy
Love:: MaKaYlA
Hate:: ScI Fi MoViEs
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