how jedi are you? :: by lawrie malen
How evil are you?
How's that for Irony????
Samurai Copyshop!
I AM THE DARKSIDE OF THE FORCE!!! Me?? What about Me?? I'm pretty much an open book that you need to read between the lines to fully comprehend. I am straight forward and honest, in a shifty, subtle kind of way. One thing is for sure, I will tell you what is on my mind--even if you don't want to hear and sometimes when I don't want to say. I try to be a nice guy in an evil kind of way. I'm a hot ass sonuvabitch---well, my mother isn't really a bitch but you get the point. Oh yeah, and the UNIBROW---I'm keeping it!! Everyone who has two is jealous--it's evolution baby! you only need one!!
You Are Absinthe
You are a sloppy drunk, purposely so
If drinking doesn't make you feel crazy, it's not any fun
Truth be told, you tend to prefer drugs to drinking
But you'd never pass up any absinthe that came your way!
What alcoholic drink are you?
I edited my profile with Thomas’ Myspace Editor V3.6 !