Zcarmel205 profile picture



About Me

Hello Myspace,I am 20 years old, 5"6, 140 lbs, and long black hair. I attend Jefferson State Community College for Nursing(RN).I like to talk on the phone, go out with friends and family,and sometimes likes to just relax and chill at home. I am a cool, down to earth person- I like being around people.I am a nice person ,easy to talk to and get along with -BUT dont get me wrong I dont take shit or kiss ass and if u get on my bad side I can get an attitude with u out this worldbut that side RARELY comes out..But if u want to know anything else about me dont hesitate to ask.
A-2-Z About Me Survey by bamachic49
Name: zylina
Nickname(s): zee, zee-zee,
Age: 20
Birthday: february 25,1986
Birthplace: birmingham,al
Current Location: birmingham,al
Eye Color: brown
Hair Color: red,black
Height: 5''6
Weight: 140
Lefty or Righty: right
Zodiac Sign: pisces
What Do You Drive: corolla
Screenname: zcarmel205
Color: green
Number: 25
Music Genre: r&b,hip-hop, some pop
TV Show: Flavor of Love
Movie: Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Hussle and Flow
Actor: Terrance Howard
Actress: Sanaa Latham
Kind of Movie: action, scary
Cartoon: the boondocks, the simpsons
Sport: basketball
Fast Food Restaurant: burger king
Food: lasagna
Ice Cream: cookies and cream
Cereal: apple jacks
Candy: mr.goodbar
Drink: coke
Alcoholic Beverage: smirnoff
Quote: "I dont have time for yor shenanigans", "How you like those apples"
{---Do You---}
Have any siblings: yes
Have any pets: yes
Have a job: hell yea
Have a cellphone: yes
Have any special talents or skills: yes
Have any fears: crackheads,maggots, heights
Have a bedtime: hell no im grown
Sing in the shower: I try
Want to go to college: I go
Get along with your parents: yes
Have any piercings: yes
Have any tattoos: no
Swear: yep
Smoke: no
Drink: sometimes
Do Drugs: no
{---Love & All That Crap---}
Ever been in love: yes
Ever cheated on a boyfriend/girlfriend: no
Are you single: no
Are you in a relationship: yep
Do you have a crush on someone: maybe
Ever been dumped: yes
Ever dumped someone: yes
{---This or That---}
Fruit or Vegetable: fruit
Black or White: black
Lights On or Lights Off: lights off
TV or Movie: tv
Car or Truck: car
Cash or Check: cash
Rock or Rap: rap
Chocolate or Vanilla: vanilla
French Toast or French Fries: french fries
Strawberries or Blueberries: strawberries
Cookies or Muffins: cookies
Winter Break or Spring Break: spring break
Hugs or Kisses: both
{---Have You Ever---}
Danced in a public place: yes
Smiled for no reason: yes
Laughed so hard you cried: yes
Talked to someone you don't know: yes
Drank alcohol: yes
Done drugs: no
Partied 'til the sun came up: yes
Gotten a ticket: no
Been arrested: no
Been convicted of a crime: no
Been in a wreck: yes
Been out of the country: no
{---Random & Silly Junk---}
Are you a virgin: thats my business
Ever TP'd someone's house: no
Ever egged someone's house: yes
How many languages do you speak: 1
Who do you compare yourself to: nobody
Ever regret anything: yes
Do you like being tickled: no
What are your goals: finish college, get a good job, get married
Are your fingers tired: no
Are you tired of this survey: yes
Are you happy: yes
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My Interests

***100 Nosey Questions*** by longtallsally28
The Basics
Name: Zylina Watson
Age: 20 1/2
Month of birth: February 25, 1986
Any Siblings?: 3
Parents still married?: widowed
Occupation: customer service representative
Do you like your job?: hell no
Any pets?: 1
Hair color: black
Eye color: brown
Shoe size: 9
Any Tattoos?: 1
Any Piercings?: 2
Current mood: peaceful
Current wardobe choice: ecko
What are you listening to?: nothing
Who did you last speak with on the phone?: Sinteria
What do you currently smell like?: victoria secret moonlight path
Movie you watched: ?????
Magazine you looked at: Hype Hair
Thing you ate: Manchu Wok
Book you read: ?????
T.v. show you watched: nanny 911
Time you cried: ???
Took a shower: this morning
Got a real letter (a.k.a Snail Mail): this morning
Ate at a restaurant (not fast food): 1 week ago
CD you bought: Monica and Fantasia
What is/was....
The best thing to happen to you today?: I woke up
Your most prized possession: ?????
Your first vehicle: Cadillac
Your current vehicle: "02" Toyota Corolla
Your favorite quote: " how u like dem apples" 'i dont have time for your shenanigans", " i dont wanna hear that yang-yang"
You bedtime (on average): whenever
Your best trait/characteristic: hair
Your worst trait/characteristic: ears
Do You....
Store things under your bed: shoes
Daydream: yes
Have a computer at home: yes
Live in the city, suburbs or country: hood
Live in a home, apartment, duples or mobile home: home
Own a cell phone: yes
Have a good luck charm: no
Collect anything: no
Attend high school or college: not at the moment, next semester
Make good grades: passing
Have You Ever....
Had a surgery?: yes, wisdom teeth surgically removed
Had teeth pulled?: yes, all 4 wisdom teeth
Broke the law intentionally: yes
Ran away from home?: No
Broke a bone?: Yes, my toe
Cheated on a test/exam: YES
Had a friend pass away: NO
Been issued a citation/traffic ticket: NO
Been in an auto accident: YES
Lied to someone: YES
Been lied to: YES
Your Favorite....
Place to be: away from home
Place to visit: Florida
Place to chill: my room
Non-Alcoholic drink: sierra mist
Alcoholic drink: Smirnoff,Hypnotiq
Type of food: italian
Meal/Food dish: lasagna,pizza
Dessert: strawberry cheese cake, peach cobbler
Shampoo & Conditioner: Elasta QP
Toothpaste: Crest
Salad dressing: Kraft Ranch
Ice cream: cookies and cream
Fast food establishment: Chick-fil-A
Color: pink, red, green
Season: summer
Holiday: christmas
Perfume/Cologne: Bora Bora, Mambo
Video Game: Grand Theft Auto?? havent played video games in a long time
T.V. show: Bad Girls Club on Oxygen Channel
Smells: fruity
Article of clothing: Ecko
Book: i know why the cagebird sings
Children's Book: the cat in the hat
Candy: Mr.Goodbar
Car: Charger
Do You Believe....
In Karma: YES
In God: YES
In Heaven & Hell: YES
That aliens exist (extraterrestrial variety, not illegal aliens): NO
That ghosts exist: YES
In horoscopes: YES
In others you know (family, friends, co-workers etc): YES
In yourself: OF COURSE
Your Opinion....
On the death penalty: it depends
On reciting the Pledge of Allegiance in schools: YES
On homosexuals in the military: it doesnt matter to me if they do
The war in the Middle East: a bunch of bull
Schwarzeneggar...Governor or Terminator: Terminator
Current gas/fuel prices: ridiculous
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R&B, Hip Hop, almost anything except rock and heavy metal


Boys in the Hood, The Color Purple,Texas Chainsaw Massacre


Wild and Out, Flavor of Love,Simpsons, Boondocks,and lots more