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About Me

MySpace music Player Skin Code by Eileen !-Display Comments-! !-END Display Comments-! !-Display Friends-! !-END Display Friends-! START Block to Put Comments in Div

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Member Since: 20/08/2006
Band Members: !-Start Div Overlay Content Block-! myspace code tutorials by Eileen !-Close 3 layers of cell/row/table. This puts our Div ONE table deep. !-Create and size our div. We will never close this div. It will close when the containing table closes-! !!! MODIFY width to the SAME width as your core image !!! when DONE editing CHANGE the border:2px to border:0px or change the magenta to the color you want your border.----! !----START CUSTOM CONTENT BLOCK 1----!Well, I grew up in a small town...played sports mos of mylife...after high school I bought my first guitar...taught myself with some help from some great friends...played in a few bands...started doing it all by myself.... due to playing in a is sometimes very hard to keep a group of people heading in the same direction...haven't recorded anything in almost a year, I upgraded to Vista 64, now all of my equipment will not work...I guess I could dual boot XP/Vista, but didn't want to go through the trouble...the music I make is just for me to break the tension that is caused by everyday I am sure that I will start recording again...I have just recently started a new business venture with my girls brother...he has some I hope that this thing works out......I am still trying to find new ways to breathe creativity into everything I doChris !----END CUSTOM CONTENT BLOCK 1----!!-Open 3 layers of table/row/cell-! !-IF do NOT want any content from my Right side, I can use i instead of L1-!
!-The below class i hides the remainder of the general table-!

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