oh, patsy! profile picture

oh, patsy!

Sure, if I have time, I'll hide the bondage straps, bong and your dildos.

About Me

I'm short and clumsy. I like beer. I sling coffee. I have many interests (scroll left). I like hanging out.

I have a new favorite word. It is "asscock."

That is all.

My Interests

art that doesn't appear on calendars
making long obnoxious lists
spelling ridiculous correctly
threadless tshirts
(pb&j and fluffernutter especially)
7 layer dip
sharing the above with friends while watching tv, movies, etc. the visual can be lousy, could be good, but the dip and the friends are what makes it.
going to shows
board game night
drinking with friends
eating (preferably with friends)
i can't yo-yo, but they're fun anyway
...orgami to be conquered soon
playing in leaves
crunching leaves when i walk
walking in drizzle listening to avail
listening to my favorite bands
songs that make me smile
sharing good music with friends
being silly
making lists

I'd like to meet:

People to talk about trashy novels and bad tv. Anyone who'll watch silly movies with me. People who listen to lame music. People who live in the Bay Area, since I live here. People who dig art, and have an interest in art besides impressionist painting (I'm running into too many of these people lately as is!). People who still watch cartoons. People who like to laugh a lot. People with ambition, even if it's just really wanting to perfect the art of paper airplanes. People who like to go out for a beer and cheap tacos. People to have uno battles with. People to teach me how to be better at crafting. Anyone and everyone who despises 'hip' internet speak which pop culture has only glorified (dammit, you has a y and an o in the word as well!). People who make me do stuff besides sitting around!


I like it screamy. Here's a long obnoxious list:

a glass of milk, ac/dc, action patrol, afghan whigs, agnostic front, the album leaf, american analog set, a minor forest, tori amos, and you will know us by the trail of the dead, angel hair, antartica, antioch arrow, anomie, arab strap, army of ponch, assfactor 4, avail, billy reese peters!, bishop allen, black print, black sabbath, bold, bowery electric, braid, burn, built to spill, buttsteak, c-clamp, meryn cadell, cap'n jazz, j. cash, nick cave, chain of strength, charles bronson, chisel, chisel. drill. hammer., christie front drive, clairmel, clikitat ikatowi, patsy cline, closure, clutch, cocteau twins, leonard cohen, come, chris connelly, converge, cows, cure, current, cursive, damad, death cab for cutie, death from above 1979, dianogah, dillinger four, don martin three, don's ex girlfriend, downcast, drive like jehu, dys, early grace, elements of need, embassy, experimental audio research, faith, farside, floor, flying saucer attack, foetus, four hundred years, frail, friction, from autumn to ashes, fugazi, merle haggard, get up kids, girls against boys, gorilla biscuits, grabass charelstons, groundwork, guilt, gus, guzzard, hal al shedad, hankshaw, emmy lou harris, pj harvey, helmet, heroin, hey mercedes, his hero is gone, his name is alive, highway 66, honeywell, hoover, hooverphonic, hope conspiracy, hope springs eternal, hot water music, ignition, ida, in flames, i hate myself, in/humanity, indian summer, initial state, inkwell, integrity, iron maiden, jawbox, jawbreaker, waylon jennings, jenny piccolo, jesus lizard, joy division, jr fuckin' ewing, judge, june of '44, kelly affair, mark kozelek, labradford, les savy fav, les thugs, lois, loop, mary lou lord, lorelei, low, lungfish, man or astroman?, maximillian colby, mc solaar, meicia, metroschifter, minus the bear, modest mouse, mohinder, mojave 3, moonraker, morrissey, nation of ulysses, native nod, willie nelson, neutral milk hotel, new order, one eyed god prophecy, orchid, orange 9mm, outspoken, pale saints, panthro uk united 13, pavement, pegboy, pelican, pinback, pixies, planes mistaken for stars, portastatic, portraits of past, postal service, sam prekop, promise ring, pulp, quadiliacha, quicksand, race car riot, rachels, radon, ramones, red house painters, lou reed, refused, rem, reversal of man, rilo kiley, rites of spring, rivals, rocket from the crypt, sea and , seaweed, sebadoh, september, sequoia (the one from france), shadowy men on a shadowy planet, shellac, sick of it all, sisters of mercy, sleater-kinney, sloan, smiths, snapcase, songs: ohia, sonic youth, spanakorzo, spinanes, spoke, stereolab, sufjan stevens, strife, strikeforce diablo, superchunk, supertramp, swing kids, ted leo and the pharmacists, this mortal coil, THIS SHIT RULES!, mel tillis, tired from now on, thrice, trans am, transmegetti, tristeza, tsunami, twelve hour turn, u2, unamuzed, unbroken, underdog, underoath, undertow, universal order of the armegeddon, unwound, velvet underground, vss, m. ward, who, wilco, william martyr 17, wiseblood, yadda yadda yadda blah blah blah (just check off everything from your list, i'm sure i missed a few though).

I just moved to the Bay Area, so I'm interested in hardcore and the like, local style.


yes please. i need to see more. will you buy me a pop too? thanks.
all time favorite: some kind of wonderful. i am watts.
i love old john hughes
David Lynch: Twin Peaks, Fire Walk With Me, EraserHead, Lost Highway, Blue Velvet, Mulholland Drive, Wild At Heart, The Elephant Man...
Jean-Pierre Jeunet: A Very Long Engagement, Amelie, Alien 4: Resurrection, City of the Lost Children, Delicatessen...
Almodovar: Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown, Habla con Ella, Mala Educacion (etc, etc)
Miyazaki!: Lupin the 3rd - The Castle of Cagliostro, Castle in the Sky, My Neighbor Totoro (I want a Totoro for my birthday already), Princess Mononoke, Kiki's Delivery Service, Spirited Away, Howl's Moving Castle...
Bad action movies (amg Segal!)
Movies with vampires, werewolves and the like
Movies where stuff happens
Movies where nothing ever seems to happen (except you gerrying everything)
I'm a sucker for a good story, even if the dialong is weak. Hell, I'm a sucker. Usually if it starts I have to see the whole thing. Damn you, sense of closure!


Angel, Bones, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Charmed, The Closer, Crossing Jordan, CSI, CSI: Miami, Family Guy, Full Metal Alchemist, House, Kidnapped, Law and Order, Law and Order: Criminal Intent, Law and Order: Special Victim's Unit, Law and Order: Trial By Jury, Medium, Saved, s-CRY-ed, Simpsons, Six Feet Under (best. show. ever.), SuperGroup...I heart bad tv.


My new current love: John Dufresne. Old loves that I still keep around (and shamelessly reread): Tom Robbins, Kurt Vonnegut, David Sedaris, Eudora Whitley, Neil Gaimen, Terry Pratchett, Veg(etari)an Cookbooks, Sue Monk Kidd, Michael Chabon, Jonathan Franzien, crafting books, Newhall's History of Photography, Law and Order Coffee Table Book (oh yes, it exists)...I'll have to add more later when I can actually look at my book collection instead of desperately trying to entertain myself at work.



People who survive
Women who make noise
Those who refuse to settle
And this guy.

My Blog

Let’s Get Crafty

Friends, I have a mission for you.1.  Purchase a deck of cards2.  Customize them!3a. Whether it be art, photography, scribbles, writing, poetry, stencils, screens, or neo-paleolithic Jessie ...
Posted by oh, patsy! on Fri, 03 Aug 2007 01:32:00 PST

The one redeeming thing

About where I work is the people I work with.
Posted by oh, patsy! on Wed, 06 Jun 2007 12:51:00 PST

Hello there, New York

Jess and I embark on our wonderful trip to the East Coast tomorrow, yay!  I can't wait to drag her ass all over the city and show her stuff I loved while I lived there.  And we'll get to see...
Posted by oh, patsy! on Tue, 10 Oct 2006 10:00:00 PST

Cure for?

I obviously need more things to do with my life. Crafting's getting dull, because I can do that whenever I feel like it. I'm getting sick of writing. I'm at a lull for anything visual. I need to c...
Posted by oh, patsy! on Thu, 14 Sep 2006 07:19:00 PST

Monday, October 2

Mark your calendars!Bravo will be airing quite possibly the best show of all time, Six Feet Under. Primere is Monday, October 2 at 10pm. Yes, I'm near fanatical about this show.
Posted by oh, patsy! on Mon, 11 Sep 2006 12:33:00 PST

You know...some people think everything's about them

Really.  I'm amazed.  Carly Simon was right."you're so vain..."
Posted by oh, patsy! on Fri, 08 Sep 2006 11:42:00 PST

Back at it

Yesterday I decided "what the hell" and I applied to Evergreen Valley College.  They offer an AS in nursing, or if I just want to take my prereqs there and then move on to SJSU, I can do that too...
Posted by oh, patsy! on Wed, 28 Jun 2006 10:21:00 PST

I'm melllllllting

What the shit, why is it so hot here?  Jessie promised me 80s as the hottest.  Hello heat wave.  Sigh.  Last year it got to 104 in Chicago.  Now it's getting in close in Calif...
Posted by oh, patsy! on Mon, 26 Jun 2006 09:06:00 PST

Scary - 'breast ironing' in Cameroon (From salon.com)

Ironing out those bothersome breasts If the headline wasn't enough, here's your second warning: read no further if you're looking for a fun end-of-the-week read. This BBC article on "breast ironi...
Posted by oh, patsy! on Mon, 26 Jun 2006 06:07:00 PST

Sappy lassy

"First Day Of My Life" This is the first day of my life I swear I was born right in the doorway I went out in the rain suddenly everything changed They're spreading blankets on the beach Yours is th...
Posted by oh, patsy! on Thu, 22 Jun 2006 01:14:00 PST