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LOVE by bigbootyblack07
Are you single or taken?: taken
if taken by who?: Mike Burks
Whats so special about this person?: he's everything I have every wanted in a mate
when did you meet?: in the 2nd semester of my 9th grade year of highschool
how long have you been together?: April 16, 2003
when is their birthday?: November 1, 1986
are you falling in love with them?: I have beeni n love with him
what color are his/her eyes?: light brown
Why did you fall for them?: shortly after we met
do you think it will last?: yes
whats the most romantic thing they have done for you?: send me 2 dozen of red roses at my job just because my fav. color is red
do you talk to eachother everyday?: yes
what do you want most for this person?: total happiness
are they mean or nice?: nice
hot or sexy?: both
boring or fun?: fun
do you share secrets?: yes
do you cuddle?: yes
have you done THE DEED?: not yet
do you get along with their family?: yes
do you go out or stay in?: both
have you been on an ACTUAL date?(hooking up doesnt count.): yes
do you care about them?: yes
what would you do for them?: any and every thing
finally....why do you want to stay with this person?: because once you fall in love youre there and I am falling in love with Mike more and more each day
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are you taken or single? TAKEN
do you like someone? I LOVE SOMEONE
have you been in love? STILL AM
if so how many times? 1
what is your bf/gf's name? SUPERMAN
are you happy where are right now? NO I'D RATHER BE IN HIS ARMS
what you look for in a gf/bf?
what color of eyes? BROWN
what color of hair? BLACK
how old? 20
how tall? 6'3 ISH
have you ever had your heart broken? ONCE
do you break hearts? NOT ON PURPOSE
does someone have your heart right now? YEP
is your heart very fragile? NOT REALLY
other random ?'s
what is your name? COURTNEY
nicknames..: C.C, COCO, SHORTY
how old are you? 19
DOB: 1-11-88
left handed or right? RIGHT
pet peeve? DISHONESTY
favorite color(s): RED
do love your life? YEP
have you ever done something illegal? MAYBE ONCE
what is your middle name? SHANTELL
last person
that called you? ANDREA
talked to? ANDREA
you cryed to? MIKE
you laughed with? ANDREA
you laughed at? MIKE
you hugged? MIKE
you kissed? MIKE
who are you thinking about right now? MIKE
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