I am all about the mud and getting dirty. When the river rises in the summer and the warter is warm it brings in the beautiful mud. Thats the best time of the year.Bring it on Mother Nature. I am also always on the go and I rarely get to sleep, so keeping up with me is a challenge. I love to wrestle and I am pretty good. Well i like to think so anyway!!!
I'd like to meet my Grandpa again. He died when i was in the eight grade and I never had the chance to get to know him because he live in a different city.I miss him and his big bear hugs.Also, my sister. She was my best friend. She and I were a crazy pair. I lost her in 2005. She never had the chance to meet the two most important people in my life; my son and my best friend, Jamie.
I will adimt I love country, but I do listen to everything. I may not be able to rattle off the artist or the title of that one song you happen to think of, but I love all music just the same.If I had to list the artist I really loved, they would have be: Grechen Willson, George Strait, Rascal Falts, Eminem, The Pussycat Dolls, Nickle Back, Motle Crue. There are plenty more.
I am all about the comedys. Oh...and Fight Club. That movie is the shitt!!!
Lately I have found myself watching the history channel and the discovery channel.
I am in the middle of many books...seriously, i am in the library!!
My mom she managed to raise me and my brother by herself and find a great husband somehow...and my sister she taught me patience and humility.