We love to meet new people and going to new places. We are very politically motivated people and we vote and volunteer for what we believe. We never discriminate and we welcome everyone into our friends list.
I'd like to meet:
We are an out gay couple from central Kentucky. We have been together since July 1997. Our names are Mark & Scotty. Mark is
40 and Scotty is 31. Mark grew up on an Indiana farm and served in the Army for 5 years (2 years reserve) and Scotty grew up in here in Central KY and served 3 years in the Army. We are still avid shooters and love to target practice often. We now work for other companies and Scotty still works for the US Govt. We also own a small web design company called Galaxy Web Design. Some of the sites we've created can be found
below if you'd like to check them out.
We like going out to the The Bar and BANG in Lexington. We love to go fishing and are known for our fish Fry's! Yes there is always plenty of Beer for everyone! We defiantly like making new friends and we often take weekend trips especially to Chicago.
We bought our first house together on July 1, 2004 and were really enjoying being homeowners. Some of our neighbors are also some of the best friends we've made since high school. You know who you guys are and we love you dearly.
We are the most down to earth "gay" guy's you'll ever meet. We don't try to be something were not and if you do the "drama thing" we'll probably drop you like a bag of dirt. Earn our friendship and you'll have true friends for life.
We are also Progressive Democrats and we do not hesitate to let our political beliefs be known. We
usually post videos and the wrongs and rights of our leaders on our bulletin boards so if you don't like to
hear us bitch and moan about the President or Republicans then either don't add us in the first place or use your remove friend button. Otherwise we'll get along great. We've love to hear from everyone. Teach us something about your culture and fix us something good to eat!
We also love lip-sync video's of guy's doing funny songs. Please leave us a comment if you find one.
Vote 4 Scotty's Photo
His photo could be used in the upcoming Jones Soda Pop Label
Some Web Sites We've Created
Mychal The Martyr Church
Alternative Network
Jason Castro
Just name it, Hip Hop, Country, Rock, Techno/Dance, Heavy Metal and even some Bluegrass. But our favorite has to be 80's stuff remixed and Techno.div id
Ok we LOVE going to the movies. Movies we've seen in the past 6 months that we loved.
-Vantage Point-Juno-The Bucket List-National Treasure-The Kite Runner-Into The Wild-The Great Debaters-Evening-
Food Network (Iron Chef, Good Eats, Ace of Cakes), Discovery (Dirty Jobs, Mythbusters), PBS, TruTV, Travel Channel, History Channel, CNN. American Idol.
Chris Hunter, Stephen King, Will Aitken, Christopher Paolini, Philip Pullman, J.K. Rowling, J.R.R. Tolkien.
People who are not afraid to stand up for what is right. Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, Mia Anglou, Bill & Melinda Gates. Here is a quote from George Washington our first president. "As Mankind becomes more liberal, they will be more apt to allow that all those who conduct themselves as worthy members of the community are equally entitled to the protections of civil government. I hope ever to see America among the foremost nations of justice and liberality".