Just searching through the vast world that surrounds me I been searching for that missing person on in my life which can not be replaced as time passes by. However I never actually came across that person yet, but somewhere inside me I know shes knows and is out there in the sea. I need to share the life with this person the memory. This connection could happen at any single moment it could be a first sight like a sniper you only get one shot, if we ever pass by on a steet. You look as if a stranger walks by, but you never know. As I explore the depth of the sea like a treasure all the great people from history. Anyways besides all that I would like to meet all the great people out there who are positive who are outgoing and fun to hang around. I'd also like to meet the celebrity,and the new people who are coming into my life. Especially the person who actually took the time to read this and you never know this could be U the person I..d like to meet(Hahahahahah)