If you want to order a hat, please use this order form! The information will be emailed to the FKH email address.REGULAR Hat Order Form
Email Address:
What kind of hat do you want? (ex. cat hat, frog hat, bear hat)
Would you like your hat to have a face?
If you want a face on your hat, what would you want it to look like? (Please descibe in detail or with a linked example picture.)
What color hat would you like?
Would you like ear flaps?
If you chose ear flaps, would you like pom poms too?
What is your hat size? (If you don't know, measure the circumference of your head.)
Comments? Questions?
CUSTOM Hat Order Form
Remember, lot's of detail will increase the price of your hat. Custom hats won't cost more than $25-50. Due to cost of materials and time spent on making the hats.
Email Address:
Please describe the way you want your hat to look like. (Please try to keep the hat as basic as possible. If you have a example picture please link it.)
Please list all the colors of your hat.
What would you like to call your hat? (ex. Cookie the Messed Up Bear)
What is your hat size? (If you don't know, measure the circumference of your head.)
Comments? Questions?