Flight 19, a rising Indie/Rock band from rural Lincolnshire, is here to bring their unique take on music to a venue near you. Forming in 2004 under the name ‘The Invisibles’ from the ashes of other local groups. The band, Will T, Will R, Henry and Malcolm, quickly established themselves as a band full of potential, a series of incendiary shows and an EP soon followed. However they felt that they were not the band they set out to be, instead they were following a trend.
The band quickly through off their ‘heavy rock tag’ breaking away from the local scene in pursuit of the music they were brought up on, an acute concoction of 70’s Jam, Bloc Party and Arctic Monkeys. In 2007, the band disappeared off the radar whilst they wrote their new set and underwent a name change. Once people heard they had shook off their musical tag, many wrote them off as being kids trying to be cool, entering into the studio again with long time friend Si of Sashimi Records, Flight 19 then released the strongest material of their career, showing that they hadn’t shaken off the tags as much as the chains holding them back, the four lads sounding more comfortable and more talented than ever before, giving them a firm benchmark in the local scene.
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"Flight 19 are Grimsby's latest up and coming band, mixing delicacy with intensity, they are something to behold. The energy of their live shows, their conviction in their music and a good repore with the crowd leads to an impressive stage show and this is beginning to show in their success.
In May this year, Flight 19 beat off stiff competition to win the CHOON competition on popular sky channel propeller tv, taking their age into account, Flight 19 are well on track to being a force to be reckoned with in the UK underground."
-Greg Eames of TCM Promotions-