Bubbler ist der vielleicht naive Versuch sich leichtfüßig dem Prozeß des Vergessens zu wiedersetzen, indem Ideen einfach kurz und schmerzlos umgesetzt werden. Bubbler ist also mehr oder weniger Personalunion aus etwas mehr Songwriter als Singer, Gitarre, einem Mikrophon, Computer sowie dem kleinem Bub von früher, der mittlerweile zwar größer und älter geworden ist, aber eben immernoch der "Bub" ist. Klingt komisch, is aber so. Und damit meine Band nicht allzusehr von einem wilden Stilmix geplagt wird, mach ichs halt allein.
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When I was a small boy I started playing guitar. Later I enjoyed playing with other people. And then I fell in love with the music...
Bubbler is the naive try, to defy oblivion on a twinkle-toed way by recording some of my ideas in a fast way. So you can see Bubbler as a personal union between some more songwriter than singer, guitar, a microphone, computer and the small boy from the past, which has become bigger and older. But in some kind I'm still the small boy "Bub". Sounds strange? It seems to be fact.
Im inspired by a lot of musicans. So I try to make various sounds which I like.
Without my Band, but sometimes with friends, who like music, too. Just for fun.
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enjoy it and hear to some stuff of my myspace-friends, too.
now there are some Songwriters and a few bands from Germany (althought they're singing German you should hear it. It's nice music)