other people's relationships. water joe. visits. pepper and salt. montage. right before i go to sleep. my hiking backpack. me videotaping when you aren't looking. stationery. unitards. curtains. who you were in high school. vermillion. sol lewitt's paragraphs and sentences. the ballet shoes i just found on the free table with a little blood in the toes.
My father in his past life as a retarded woman on the frontier.
that end with dancing.
Albee, Asimov, Atwood, Austen, Barthes, Brautigan, Cheever, Dahl, Doestoevsky, Eggers, Fitzgerald, Frost, Fulghum, Ibsen, Kennan, Lermontov, Rand, Sedaris, Steinback, [Dylan] Thomas, Vonnegut, Wilde, Woolf, and art/history books.
Oppenheimer, and maybe Putin.