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About Me

"The drums really stand out to me on FIRST CLASS; drummer Tony Anderson doesn't do anything out of the ordinary, but he just always seems to place creative fills in the right spots and has a punchy, precise sound."/ Sean P. Gaghan - 1989 had enough of forklift driving around the sausage factory and he called it quits. Never again.He took his life savings (about $ 1000) and went to Tinseltown because that’s what everybody (well maybe not everybody) back in Örebro, Sweden was doing at the time. Lived just north of Los Angeles at a ranch called The Elk Horn Ranch for about two months playing with a part Swedish part American band called Sin City featuring two monstrous guitar players straight out of Musicians Institute. Shredders. No show just shred. Period. Practice man!!!Well, a thousand dollars only lasts for a short time so he had to go back home to Sweden even if he cried like a baby because L.A. is, or at least was the place to be.Back in Örebro he joined hair band Big Blue and messed around for about three years gettin really nothing done. In 1992 the longing for Los Angeles and the urge to become a rock star a la Grande took him overseas again, this time enrolling and graduating as a student of Percussion Institute Of Technology at Musicians Institute. Life was good, on a student loan…Passing around his promo pack in the L.A. area, among millions of other wannabees got him really nowhere this time either although it felt pretty good knowing that Ozzy Ozbourne and Richard Marx might’ve just listened to the tapes after all.Broke once again Sweden was to be honoured again, only this time the capitol, Stockholm.At Musicians Institute Tony met Swedish bass player Per Schelander (you know) and that’s the man who got him into House Of Shakira. At the time of writing House Of Shakira is the only project Tony is involved with and when he’s not playing drums with them he spends time with his family.Tony is not endorsed at all by any brand and plays whatever he can find for a dollar, but hey!!!That could be changed, right!?

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

50 000 sCreaming fans at Wembley Arena!


My Blog

Judas Priest etc

Yes! Tomorrow it..s time for Judas Priest AND Megadeth! Can..t wait. Meanwhile I just can..t stop listen to my latest discovery SHINEDOWN. ROKK!!!
Posted by on Fri, 27 Feb 2009 03:25:00 GMT

Live in Stockholm,SE rare...

House Of Shakira will be playing live in Stockholm, Sweden October 17th at O-baren. This is a rare occasion. Be there early. Free drinks to the first 100 guests.
Posted by on Wed, 26 Sep 2007 04:04:00 GMT

Retoxed- teasers...

Check out four new teasers from the forthcoming House Of Shakira album "Retoxed" at
Posted by on Fri, 10 Aug 2007 02:14:00 GMT