I love to play basketball, softball, dance, an have a good time wit my friends and family.
What Marianna Means
M is for Misunderstood
A is for Altruistic
R is for Revolutionary
I is for Irresistible
A is for Active
N is for Nervy
N is for Nutty
A is for Amorous
What Does Your Name Mean?
Nelly, DMX, Crhis Brown, ext.....
I like R&B, Rap, Hip Hop, and Oldies...
Spanish graphics from My Onda - www.myonda.com
I like the movies love and basketball and Napolian Dinomite, also the Temtations...
My heros are my real Ma n my ma Melissa also Grandma and my older sister..I edited my profile at Freeweblayouts.net , check out these Myspace Layouts!