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WhAt ChU NoE BoUt Me!!!
**My BaSiCs**
~FulL NaMe?~: Sherrika
~NiCkNaMeS?~: reka
~BoDy TyPe?~: you should no
~PiErCiNgS?~: 5
~TaTtOoS?~: 2
~CloSe FrIeNdS?~: Che'
~OtHeR FrIeNdS?~: Samantha and Yulonda (to name a few)
~SmArTeSt?~: Che'
~LoUdEsT?~: all can depending on the moment
~DrAmA SeTtEr?~: Shanell
~ShYeSt?~: Che'
~NiCeSt?~: Che'
~In A ReLaTiOnShIp NoW?~: of course
~WiT WhO?~: DT
~HoW LoNg?~: 4 years
~LoVe Or LuSt?~: who knows
~Do YoU WaNnA HaVe KiDs?~: one on the way
~Do YoU WaNnA GeT MaRrIeD?~: one day hopefully
**ThIs Or ThAt**
~ChOcOlAtE Or VanIlLa?~: chocolate
~LoNg TeRm Or OnE NiTe StAnDs?~: long term
~ChInESe FoOd Or MeXiCan FoOd?~: depends on the mood
~ThuGs Or PrEpS?~: thugs
~ReD Or BlUe?~: blue
~WeNdYs Or JaCk-In-ThE BoX?~: wendys
~LoVe Or PeAcE?~: both mean alot to me
~RaP Or RoCk~: rap
~ArE YoU A ViRgIn?~: my baby due Feb.14th
~If NoT, WhAt AgE n WiT WhO?~: none of your fuckin business
~StIlL ClOsE To ThEm?~: hummm..............
~HaVe AnY ReGrEtS~: yep
~HaVe YoU EvR ChEaTeD?~: depends on what you call cheatin
~HaVe U EvR KiSsEd JuSt A FrIeNd?~: you haven't
~HaVe YoU EvR KePt KePt SuMtHiNg FrOm Ur B.f/G.f?~: yep
~WhAtS YoUr SiGn?~: libra
~TyPe Of GuY?~: ohhh........i can't tell u
~ArTiSt/BaNd?~: aaliyah/byb
~CoLoR?~: black/purple
~MuSiC?~: gospel,rap, r+b, of course go-go
~MoViE?~: the color purple
~DrInK?~: pepsi
~AlChOlIc BeVeRaGe?~: da remy
~PlAcE To HaNg OuT?~: different places
**In A BoY/GiRl...**
~BoDy TyPe/HeIgHt?~: as long as it's attractive
~AnY SpEcIfIc RaCe?~: what u think
~StYlE?~: ummm....different ones
~EyE/HaIr CoLoR?~: as long as it's attrative
~LoNg Or ShOrT HaIr?~: doesn't matter
~DeScRiBe PeRsOnAlItY?~: outgoing, real, aggressive
~NiCe Or BrAvE?~: both
**FiNiSh ThE SeNtEnCe**
~My HeArT Is...?~: tell me what u think about it
~I WiSh...?~: ummm.....i think i better keep my mouth shut
~If OnLy...?~: i could trust u
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Sean Paul - I'm Still In Love With You (featuring Sasha)
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*MySpAcE SuRvEy*
[name]: Sherrika
[birthdate]: October 8,1984
[sex]: Female
[relationship status]: take a guess
[shoe size]: 6 1/2 in women's and 4 1/2 in men
[parents still together]: pretty much for 24years
[siblings]: 3
[pets]: don't like animals
[color]: black/purple
[number]: 3 and 7
[time of year]: spring
[type of weather]: when I can half dress
[food/drink]: mac&cheese/remy
--DO YOU--
[twirl your hair]: fuck no
[have any tattoos]: two
[cheat on tests]: who don't
[like scary movies]: yeah
[like cleaning]: have no other choice
[know how to drive a standard]: yeah
[own a cell phone]: of course
[collect anything]: ummm........
[been in a fist fight]: plenty of times
[considered a life of crime]: yup
[considered being a hooker]: fuck to da nah
[been in love]: of course (but not to many times)
[made out with just a friend]: who hasn't
[hurt someone you love]: nah
[kicked someone in the nuts]: nope
[clothing]: work clothes
[hair]: flexi's
[song you are in love with]: tru luv-faith
[cd in your stereo]: da byb (12-25-03)
[mood]: can't tell (it's never just one)
[thing you ought to be doing]: sleeping
[first crush]: those who know me know
[first kiss]: you know who
[first love]: take a guess
[do you believe in love at first sight]: nope
[do you believe in "the one"]: of course
[are you a tease]: sometimes
[would you ever commit yourself to someone 100%]: the one who deserves it
[honest]: most of the time
[sarcastic]: all the time
[a daydreamer]: sometimes
[up tight or laid back]: both, but i'll let u tell me
[messy or organized]: always organized
[shy our outgoing]: depends on the situation
[nervous habits]: you tell me
[are you double jointed]: nope
[can you roll your tongue]: never tried
[do you make your bed daily]: all the time
[which shoe goes on first]: the one i put on first
[bought something]: baby clothes
[been sick]: nah
[sang]: everyday
[missed someone]: my pop-pop
[gotten drunk]: i wish
[gotten a haircut]: hell no
[watched cartoons]: yeah
[been kissed]: i guess
[lied]: you tell me
[you spent the night with]: bdaddy
[spent the night with you]: bdaddy
[saw you cry]: bdaddy
[made you cry]: bdaddy
[you said "i love you" to]: ummm.....
[told you they loved you]: my mommy
[the best feeling in the world]: being in love and loved
[the worst feeling in the world]: loving someone who don't love you
[your greatest fear]: snakes/dogs
[the thing you want most in life]: to many to name
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