Greetings earthlings!
When I first got my MySpace account I thought it was the coolest thing, but lately I've come to realize that I am not ready for this kind of commitment. It's a lot to keep track of and I just don't think I'm ready for this kind of a relationship.
I love getting comments but I can never find the time to respond.
So forgive me in advance for not responding with any type of urgency.
To update those of you who haven't been present in our lives, here's the story up until now.
My lady and I have been living near Franfurt, Germany for the last two years. We are having an incredible time taking advantage, as much as possible, of our supreme location in central Europe. With all the opportunities we have to travel, we are blowing all our money on hotel bills, cheap flights,and bar tabs. Oh, a lot of our money also goes to feeding the newest member of our family Carlos V, our Hannoverian(the one I'm riding in my profile pic).
Next year, after three years of practicing, I am headed back to BCD for a Pedo(that's Pediatric Dentistry for my non-dentites out there)residency. I can hardly believe that I'm going back for more but oh well, such is life.Thanks for stopping by...
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