It's been a while. |
It's been ages since i wrote a blog and a lot has changed since then. All of it for the better. I am now engaged to Katharine Hemingway a wonderful artist and mother of two brilliant boy, Dominic and ... Posted by on Sat, 21 Feb 2009 05:16:00 GMT |
Tired but happy. |
Another tiring week in work. I was working from 8 until 4 on saturday and then went straight to a gig i was playing at. Finished the gig at ten and spent most of the night awake as the adrenaline rush... Posted by on Sun, 09 Mar 2008 14:00:00 GMT |
Knackered! |
Absolutely knackered today. Have been recording again and we only had a limited time as we could only get in and out of the practice rooms within 3 hours. This included setting up the equipment and en... Posted by on Sun, 11 Nov 2007 13:19:00 GMT |
Headaches |
Wow what a head ache! I've just been wiring in a set of active pick ups into Frag's Bass Guitar. It should have been a piece of cake but the holes for the pots on his bass were metric and the new pots... Posted by on Sat, 03 Nov 2007 09:31:00 GMT |
Defretting a 5 string bass |
Don't try this at home kids!
Last week I took the frets of my 5 string (I'll post some piccies when I've got time) First of all I took the frets out using a potato peeler! Then I sanded the fingerboar... Posted by on Sat, 15 Sep 2007 04:42:00 GMT |
5 String Bass update |
Hi everybody! I've just done some more customisation to my 5 string bass. I've added a Wilkinson active circuit, a Seymour Duncan Musicman Humbucker and a Schaller 2000 series bridge. All it needs now... Posted by on Sun, 01 Jul 2007 12:55:00 GMT |
Five String Bass update |
O.K. Here we go. I've got some more bits for my five string bass; two Seymour Duncan humbuckers, a set of Gotoh machines to go with the detuner and a Wilkinson active circuit. I just need to pick them... Posted by on Sun, 13 May 2007 12:59:00 GMT |
Recording |
I've just spent most of the day setting up to record, then recording and finally mixing the songs. How can it take six hours to rcord three songs? I now feel like crap my feet are killing me and as I ... Posted by on Sun, 06 May 2007 11:34:00 GMT |
Bass Project |
I've ordered the pick ups for my five string (Seymour Duncans) and some new Gotoh machine heads I've just posted the first photos of the bass with the hipshot detuner. We had a go at recording today b... Posted by on Sun, 29 Apr 2007 12:25:00 GMT |
Video |
This week we videoed four songs. Now we just have to get them from VHS onto DVD. Why is recording more tiring than gigging or practicing? We recorded for songs and it completely drained us of ene... Posted by on Sun, 18 Mar 2007 11:55:00 GMT |