I'm 22, a student at the University of Portsmouth, studying French and Italian. I love nothing more than to play hockey in the pouring rain with gale force winds blowing onto the Langstone pitches and then a crazy night with lots of snakebite in the Union. Am currently an Erasmus student in Corsica, which is an amazing experience, but sometimes it involves a but too much alcohol and dancing to Shakira, Shakira! However i can't wait to get back to Portsmouth next year and live the purple lifestyle again! That about sums me up. feel i should also write a warning here, never mess with cans of tuna, they are lethal and can cause a lot of pain and blood, as i have recently found out. Have discovered that Erasmus in Corte is just one big hangover! but i LOVE it!!!!!!! If only i could explain the mystery surrounding the lump on my head!