The Europa String Choir is centred around Cathy Stevens (6 string Violectra) and Udo Dzierzanowski (Guitar) who started working together in 1991 as The Annexe duo.
We have developed a unique sound and repertoire, consisting mostly of original compositions that reflect our diverse backgrounds as musicians.
Since its foundation in 1993, the Europa String Choir has worked as a trio, as a quartet and currently as a duo. The ESC remains open and available to members of the past, present and future, as a supportive and challenging working environment.
Our aim is to perform music that can touch people from widely diverse backgrounds, in settings ranging from bars and community centres to art galleries and concert halls. The music is rich in variation of colour and texture, sometimes simple and lyrical, with a Celtic folk influence, sometimes intricately polyrhythmic and at other times more stridently rock oriented, though often with a touch of Bartok. We feel honoured to have been compared on occasions with the Kronos Quartet and the Penguin Café Orchestra. On the other hand, our sound and style are quite unique. A number of CDs have been released, as a trio with Alessandro Bruno (Guitar) and as a quartet with Alessandro Bruno and Markus Reuter (Touch Guitar).
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