Emerging Technologies, A1GP, Formula 1 Racing, Martial Arts, Tennis, Business, Capital Markets, Investment, International Affairs, Politics, Urban planning, Philosophy, Futurology, Physics, Quantum Mechanics, Democracy, Liberty, Virtues, Favorite places to live are Melbourne, Perth and Surfers Paradise, Australia
People who choose to live their life trying to achieve what others said couldn't be done. People who want to create a more peaceful and prosperous society through vision and virtues. People who live life pursuing their passions and who want to make a positive contribution to humanity and the environment...
Online Videos by Veoh.com
Classical, Live Orchestral Performances, Old and Modern Rock, R&B, Rap, Lounge, Pop, Country, Indian Film, Soul, Raggae, Latin Jazz
Dragons Den (BBC), The Apprentice, The Boardroom (CNN), Larry King (CNN), O'Reily Factor (Fox), Hannity and Colmes (Fox), Squawk Box (CNBC), Managing Asia (CNBC), National Geographic (Specials), The History Channel (General), Sky News, Sky Business Report, Your World with Neil Cavuto (Fox), Nightly Business Report (NPR), Ovation Channel (Specials), Iron Chief (SBS), Your World Today (CNN)