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Get this video and more at MySpace.comI was born in Hargeisa which is in Somalia(Africa). Then my parents moved to Trinidad where I spent 11 years of my childhood. Moved back to the Uk to finish education. Went to B'ham where I ditch my studies to go on the road. 1978 worked for a catering company called Bubble and Squeak. Married the Then we started our own company called Rhythm and Food. Worked with many bands both unknown and famous. My first band was Ian Dury and the Blockheads. Did the Punk era, followed by the Romantics, Rock and Roll, Motown, Reggae, Steelband, Classical we cooked for the lot. In the early days we had to self-drive in a small transit van with all our catering equip.My days were usually 18 hours long. Working all day and driving all night. But as the years passed we were allowed to travel on the sleeper buses with the crew and all our equipment on the artics. We worked hard and had great days off in the lovely countries, in lovely hotels with lovely people.What a way to earn a living. Since taking a break from the music business I have two beautiful daughters who are now 16 and 18 years old. Their Dad ran away 16 years ago with a musician and now waiting to hit the road again in 2 or less years time...and I can't wait.I love going to gigs and still a huge music fan.Gigs last year have been Elton John, Madonna, The Stones, Keane, Pink, The Kooks, The Zutons, Lost Prophets and George Michael. Also spent time at the Nottinghill Carnival which was awesome and brought back memories from my childhood in the West Indies. This year have further gigs lined up .If any bands require a therapist either Holistic / Sports to join them on tour,short-term or longer please email me on and I will get back to you. New business....7th Heaven is now fully open at my local gym . Qualified as a Holistic Therapist as well as a Sports Therapist. I am fully mobile outside gym opening hours. Swedish Body Massage,Indian Head Massage, Baby Massage Instructor, Hot Stones Massage, Aromatherapy as well as Sports Therapies and Fitness and Injury Management. Sports Massage for those you like really deep tissue manipulation.Excellent on relieving aching backs...costs are very reasonable from £15. Also practice Hopi Ear Candling which is a great treatment that will get rid of colds, sore throats, sinus , ear and hayfever problems as well as headaches and migranes. Email me if you're local on with a phone number and I'll arrange an appointment to suit.Saw lots of big shows last year... Elton at Plymouth. George Micheal . Later in the summer caught Prince followed by The Stones at the O2 stadium in London. Quo in last Autumn. Will keep you all posted on the forthcoming gigs. Get Your Own! | View Slideshow Get Your Own! |
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