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I am here for Friends

About Me

Hey Whats crackin my names bryan But everyone of my friendscall me sharky. i am deaf in my left ear if family members call my name and i don't hear it they say sharky and i automaticly respond to them. i have a beautiful wife sarah who means everything in the world to me. i thank her heaps for putting up with me as i can be a crazy person. i have 2 brothers(younger) and 1 sister (younger.) i say my family comes first if u want to ask questions or chat just drop a comment and i will get back to u asap. i also have a cat named wog she is the cutest cat ever. MyGen Profile Generator

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

the hilltop hoods funkoars pegs all oz hip hop bands. lara bingle coz she is hot. everyone and anyone.

My Blog

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