Psalm 6:6-7, "worn out"
old friends and new friends.. body { background-image: url(' c.gif'); background-attachment: fixed; background-repeat: repeat;
bill withers, aretha franklin, tom waits, bonnie raitte, otis redding, warren zevon, BOTH FEET (brothers band), carly simon, james taylor, carol king, yeah all that old school stuff, it sooths my soul. Music is what keeps my heart fueled! And i blame my very talented parents for being such a musical influence....yet it will be my brother that makes something out of this genetic blessing.( hes not scared like me, hes very very brave) teehee...
the scarlet pimpernel(my fav "sink me"), strickly ballroom, the cure, the salton sea, dirty dancing, boondock saints, searching for the wronged eyed jesus, the princess bride, goonies, adventures in babysitting (my cat is named thor!),pride and prejudice, anne of green gabels....(yeah us homeschooled children used to rent from the library.....before blockbuster)
Went 18 years without it! THANKS MOMMA!
c.S.Lewis (my father was always a big fan)....i have to say my mother actually got me into adrian plass....humor always makes you look into the meaning of something...eventually....but i love, LOVE books.....someday i shall write a book of being homeschooled in Kasilof, Alaska....and all the "adventures of growing up there".......someday
my babyBrother,my momma and my words describe how much i adore all three of these ONE will ever compare...