Anything fun or adrenaline-releasing. I love trying new stuff- I'd like to try skydiving this summer. I'm working on my pilot's license, just got my motorcycle license, and I love to jet ski. I also like hiking and camping and exploring and swimming and bushwhacking. The winter in Massachusetts is a beautiful season, but it's been unusually warm this winter. I hope it gets bitter cold and snows ALOT. I especially like driving in snow. It's like a video game, but deadly. Perhaps I need to adjust my meds. I like going to the mountains and finding peaceful places to have fun, and I love going to the city for cultural enrichment.
Not really into the whole internet meeting people thing, but my friends are fun people who don't take life or themselves too seriously. I'm extremely outspoken and outgoing, so that can be intimidating to people before they get to know me. I have alot of energy too, and I get really goofy sometimes. I really prefer the company of motivated people who seek truth and knowledge.
Anything but sugar-coated pop and candy country. I love classical, opera, reggae, rock, old country, anything non-mainstream, etc.
I'll watch anything. Even if it sucks, I'll just laugh and make fun of it. I find it difficult to sit still for "horror" movies- they don't scare me, they just make me laugh. Or they piss me off because the victims are so stupid and the perpetrators so "smart." The only kind of movies I can't watch are those where people torture or abuse others. To me there's no point or artistic value in extreme sadism or sexual/emotional/physical torture. Oh, and one last thing- throughout Napoloeon Dynamite, I was waiting for a bullet to pierce his skull. I was very let down when he lived. They should make an alternate ending where someone pulls a nuclear bomb out of their pocket and kills him.
Reality TV sucks. It's funny sometimes but they always choose to put the people of least worth on TV. It gives a bad name to humanity.
All the classics- Socrates (even though he didn't actually write his stuff down, Plato did, or other disciples), Marquis de Sade, Steinbeck, Bradbury, etc.
Socrates, Igor Sikorsky, Stewie (Family Guy)