SEYMOUR profile picture


About Me

Seymour; ex-drummer of The Stud-U-Likes who moved onto play for Project 3 in the late nineties, now dreams of making it big with his new concept band SEYMOUR. A revolution in music, Seymour hopes to spread his message of rock across the world by pure luck. He intends to perform only once more in next 50 years, unadvertised and randomly selected from 105 venues across the UK, nobody knows where or when. A publicity stunt of mamoth proportions which is garaunteed to catapault him to stardom (and you as a follower, of the mighty Seymour project). If you would like to help and/or take part in making a new part of history (and have a paypal account), stay in touch, we will let you know how you can help/donate to a good cause. On behalf of Seymour All the best, The Seymour Company

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Rich people with no agenda and who are easily persuaded, or who purely enjoy nonsense for nonsense's sake.

My Blog

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