sup foo's. milly. twenty two. from norwich. all kinds of awesome. i'm a little insane, in a good way. i giggle a lot, over use the word fuck and on occasion drink too much wine. I have the most awesome friends and an amazing boyfriend and my life at the moment, pretty much rocks. i have a major love for anything whedonesque, buffy is my hero. along with veronica mars. i relate way too much to fictional characters. i'm afraid of clowns, bridges, daddy long legs' and things i can't explain. i love to read, i want to be a writer. my favourite colour is pink. i love taking pictures. i want to learn to play guitar, so far i can play seven nation army. i'm awesome, that pretty much sums it up.
snow. rain. hoodie weather. buffy. good music. amazing books. crappy tv. spending all day in bed. thumb wars. injokes. wine. kissing. hugging. making silly noises. thumb wrestling. internet. eljay. sad songs. bad songs. frescatos. coach journeys. car journeys. writing. reading. hot drinks. eighties films. disney films. taking pictures. gigs. wine. sarcasm. irony. hipflasks. making plans to go to the moon. ben and jerries. patrice. fairy lights. cinema trips. black nail varnish. pillows. tattoos. boys clothes. shoes. swimming. shopping. being supid. spinning in circles. my life.
good charlotte jimmy eat world mathbox twenty new found glory the ataris fall out boy muse michelle branch foo fighters biffy clyro hometown heroes! goo goo dolls and lots of other random crap
Jonny ♥
leave me love!