Blacksmith Records, Inc. an innovative 501 (c) (3) non profit organization in Los Angeles which combines music and art with community-based approaches in addressing four major social issues:Homelessness ( that is caused by police abuse and social policies)
Lack of access to nutritious food (manifested as diabetes and other illnesses)
Campaigning to strengthen the laws against child molesters
Juvenile and adult justice (to fight police abuse)Blacksmith Records, Inc. was founded in 1997 and is the first on its kind because its not affiliated with any church or religion. Blacksmiths Board of Directors includes musicians, artists, activists, and people with accounting, finance, real estate and non profit experience. Striving to balance the creative side with the know-how required to run a successful and stable organization.How Blacksmith works: Blacksmith produces recordings, concerts, and events by socially conscious artists that funnel the money back into the communities by buying properties to house homeless and low-income individuals. Blacksmith seeks to develop a system for the communities to create its own wealth and provide resources and services in order to address social issues. Blacksmith Records, Inc. strives to become a self sustaining entity, rather than rely on fund raising on whom we would remain dependent.Blacksmiths accomplishments:Produced Hip-Hop 911: Saving a Revolutionary Culture an event drawing over 150 community residents in West Adams that encompassed celebration, educational and information sharing, September 11, 2004.Helped place five homeless individuals in permanent housingA Healthy Taste of L.A. - sponsored by the California Food and Justice Coalition, June 10, 2004 Produced, DJ, and performed music and entertainment for 300 community members from a diverse geographical areas.DJ for Student organizations: at UCLA, UCI, CSULB, CSUFPerformed and DJ for Nonprofit organizations: Los Angeles Coalition to End Hunger and Homelessness (LACEHH), Strategic Action for a Just Economy (SAJE), Public Allies, Save Section 8 Coalition, and Youth Justice Coalition.DJ for: Los Angeles PRIDE 2004 over 40,000 people in attendances.Projects currently in progress:Producing Black Invite, a CD by hip-hop artist Jon Doe scheduled for release soon, and our first single Talk 2 The Hand was finished October 9, 2005 in stores near you soon, proceeds from the CD Black Invite to go to economic, health, youth justice, environmental, and housing campaigns.We purchase homes and do property management.Advocating for landlord tenants rights (have won all court cases).The work of Blacksmith Records Inc. Los Angeles engages community leaders, volunteers and organizations from all sectors of society, to develop neighborhood assets and leadership to address and organize around the critical needs of the Los Angeles communities, including housing, health, economic development, youth justice, and education.Contact: Gretta King-Smith (213) 447-1834 or (213) 291-3015
[email protected] our website: www.BLACKSMITHRECORDS.ORG