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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

My name is Jeff. I'm on this extra long vacation from what feels like my real life. Somehow I have ended up slow roasting in Phoenix heat, scratching around in the dust, looking for some inspiration to finish school and make my fortunes. I really do not want to waste anymore time. I need to start taking more action and deciding to live with those actions.

My Interests

i am disinterested


StrungOut, RiseAgainst, NoFX, NoUseForAName, BadReligion, SuicideMachines, Guttermouth, AuthorityZero, StreetLightManifesto, Catch22, LessThanJake, Sublime, CodeNameRocky, TheAquaBats, Goldfinger, TheDecapitones, LuckySeven, NIN, *.Zombie, RATM, RJD2, Portishead, Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, Soundgarden, Nirvana, Alice n' Chains, Cream, Bob Dylan, Smashing Pumpkins, The Doors


Grendel, The Art of War, Rich Dad Poor Dad, Lullaby,Survivor,Choke, Clockwork Orange