D.O.B.:05/25/90 (May 25, 1990)
i have NO RESPECT FOR SLUTS. =) cuz i CAN NOT have respect for someone who doesn't respect themeselves
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Filipino whose been spoken to (by parents) in english cuz they thought i'd be confused in school
i love watchin movies..i actually have a collection of movie tickets [lol] in a binder and everything =) lol no lie..and for some reason, i enjoy readin the reasons why a movie is rated what it's rated
MUSIC is awesome! i love listenin to music..from any genre..i like whatever i think sounds good (lyric and/or beat wise)..i like to buy CDs cuz i like readin inside the little booklet
skateboarding is fun, and i got this from someone awesome "i'm not a poser, i just suck"
RANDOM!..i have a sense of humor, i like to laugh a lot, sometimes i just start laughing out of nowhere and my friends are like "wtf?" lol BUT, i can be serious too
i can eat KETCHUP with about almost anything, really, ask my friends
ART=awesome way of self-expression..and poetry
NICE, CHILL kinda person, but if u get me mad.....dang ;) ..be cool with me and i'll be cool with you
i like reese's peanut butter cups
i don't mind playin video games once in a while
sometimes i act like things don't bother me when they do, and it kills me inside, but i do say somethin when i feel i really have to
NOT a sports fanatic, so don't even try to talk to me about sports LOL..but, i don't mind shootin hoops once n a while although i'm not really into the game
i'm down to meet anybody, but i'm NOT DOWN with LIARS and FAKE people. just be real and we're cool.
Michael Jackson
and as for other songs, i listen to wutever i find sounds good (lyric and/or beatwise).
check out my mixes here: http://scathezombie.imeem.com/
I like watching A LOT of movies! I'll watch a movie no matter what the genre is..I have so many favorites but I'm not gonna list them all :) just talk to me and find out :p
again, i like watching A LOT of things..just talk to me and you'll find out!
FAMiLY. FRiENDS. G0D/JESUS. people who can do things better than me n not brag about it.