ADAM C. [LAN562^] profile picture

ADAM C. [LAN562^]

never was the type to open up/so my closest friends were never close enough

About Me

if u wanna get to know me, for brief info, read my "general" section..and if u wanna get to know me better, just talk to me...and just know that there's more to me than meets the eye...see, look lol:
"damn adam.. i thought you were like all good and innocent.. i guess you shouldnt judge a book by it cover is true.. cuz your like so quiet and stuff.. wowzers.. lol.." -Vallory i'll just say one more thing before i end this little thing i have going on right here..if i do or say something(s) that'll make me a perfect example of an itchbay, i do it CUZ I CARE :P lol .. AiM ADMP25 ScatheZombie ya heard?! ..
.. .. ..
april's invade (01/05/06)

ADAM...hmm wat to say about this guy. he's awesome. sweetest guy ever... i met adam in 9th grade. he's cool. the first couple days actually i think i liked him, i dont remember cuz i liked a lot of guys .. he's super nice. he's filipino n doesnt understand or speak tagalog, he looks like he does, but really he doesnt. he uhm, has good taste in music... even tho i dont listen to rap much but everything else is fucking awesome. he's taller than me thats for sure. his boxer size is medium, last time i asked him _
HEY THIS IS APRIL JOY INVADING ADAM'S MYSPACE! Haha, I've known this kid since we were five years old!! We met back in '95 back at good old St. Lucy. I remember this guy was such a little cutie and EVERY girl had a crush on him. Remember that Adam? haha. Ok, so me and Adam didn't talk much in k-2nd grade since we all still thought boys had cooties, actually...I don't think i ever thought that. I do remember that he and this other boy followed me and my best friend around for a week on their knees saying "please please please" but I cant remember why. true story but he'll probably tell you I'm making it up. I also remember he used to call me "Ape" and it bugged the crap outta me, but in that funny sorta way. So then in third grade we were co-class presidents. good times. we didn't even have to do anything. He left in 4th grade. Our class lost one of the hotties. hahaha. 5th grade we has our unforgettable Lite Festival Egg Battle. He hit me with what must have been 20 confetti/flour eggs. trust me, ADAM I WILL GET YOU BACK EVENTUALLY and he won't see it coming. bwahahaha. anyway, after the Lite Festival we lost touch again, I think he was scared that I was going to get him back for all that flour in my hair! THEN FRESHMAN YEAR HE GOT A MYSPACE! and voila we got back in touch. Even though we don't talk all that often, I still consider him a friend (and a target for revenge haha). Maybe after he reads this invasion he'll get teary eyed. probably not, but that's my goal. haha anyway I am officially out of things to say so, Adam, STAY COOL!
♥ April Joy

=PWoah Dj InVizZ on ThiS BiatCH!!! @ 11/16/05
Shit, i'm hittin up adams myspace,im the first haha... whats up all? Tip of the Icebearg nub of the eraser adam, anyways damn, adam is a cool-ass guy, yeah i know i own him at everything and in life, his mixxes are comming along and me and him could talk about life and shit w/o even trippin on anything. adam seems like a shy person but once you get to know him hes still shy. but lol he is always saying something funny when hes talking about ryan or when hes mad he threatens to beat someones ass, quiet guy but deadly. Anyways i know that adam is down to be my friend no matter what and he has my back just like Ryan and just like some other people i know that hang with them or not, but ah This nub of the eraser has some nice mixxes, they are really comming along, they are becomming to sound real nice and successful, well man keep at it and fulfill your dreams and do what you have to do, dont let anyone or anything get in your way you can accomplish anything. SKATE 4 LIFE.. HIPHOP4EVER. -maxDJ ZZeRo up on this shit! @ 11.17.05
Sup adam man! Hitting up this shit! haha jk! This guy name is ADAM C. Yeah i influenced him into mixxing! yeah... i knew him since like 4th grade... didnt talk much to him until 5th grade. Met him thru his cousin yeah. Ever since that me and adam been good best friends. He is like my homie 4 life yeah! Also when i need help on hwk he helps me so if u need help on hwk hit him up on aim/phone! Yeah he reminds me all the homework! haha. i'm glad i met him he also influenced me in many ways in life! hope to be his friend until i die cuz he is that type of person that u can dominate haha jk jk jk! yeah he likes this girl and im tryin to help him to get with her yeah! yeah... I love makin fun of him like saying "SCATHEZOMBIE YA HEARD", then he gets pissed off! gosh he also likes makin me laff and also makes fun of me! So he is mean sometimes and im mean to him always! haha yeah adam ur real cool dawg. Stay up and keep ya head up and hope u get ur goals accomplish man!
Your Best Friend,
Ryan Eusebio bKa: DJ ZZeRo
Ok. Hey you guys. I am Justine . One of Adam's h0mie..z. yeah, yeah. Anyway, I've known this nigga since... haha. No. Yeah, I've known Adam since 5th grade but I've never really talked to him. I started talking to him in middle school. Yeah, 7th grade in Mr. Beck's class, he sat next to me. I think it was me, Adam &Wendy sitting in the same row near the back. Iono, I don't remember. But I do remember sitting next to him in Ms. Ojeda in 8th grade. He sat next to me and Ayla sat infront of me. haha. *inside joke. ;] Me &Adam have had a lot of good times. lol. Like that time in Ms. Ojeda's class, we were partners to create this story and we both had to read it & i just kept laughing so he had finish reading it. Yeah.. I don't know. I just thought that was funny. And that time when we were partners again, we were doing some project in a history book. He called Ms. Ojeda to pronounce this one name and he was like "Yeah.. Justine
wants to know how you say this.." and he started laughing all hard, his eyes were all watery and his face was sooo red. &Ms. Ojeda was telling Adam to pronounce the word. Haha. Good times. Oh yes. I cannot forget this too! Um.. the Ice Cream Social. Haha remember Adam? ;] Hehe. . . I've never laughed so hard in my life. But yeah. Adam is a good friend. If you ever need anyone to talk to, he's there. He's a great listener. Fo.. show. If you have a problem with something he has your back. He's always there for me, to help me with a lot of things. Whether it's math or about some other stuff. Adam, you're a kick ass friend & I'm glad that I know you. :)

My Interests

D.O.B.:05/25/90 (May 25, 1990)
i have NO RESPECT FOR SLUTS. =) cuz i CAN NOT have respect for someone who doesn't respect themeselves
For all u SMOKERS: click here to see what's waitin in store for you!
Filipino whose been spoken to (by parents) in english cuz they thought i'd be confused in school
i love watchin movies..i actually have a collection of movie tickets [lol] in a binder and everything =) lol no lie..and for some reason, i enjoy readin the reasons why a movie is rated what it's rated
is awesome! i love listenin to music..from any genre..i like whatever i think sounds good (lyric and/or beat wise)..i like to buy CDs cuz i like readin inside the little booklet
skateboarding is fun, and i got this from someone awesome "i'm not a poser, i just suck"
RANDOM!..i have a sense of humor, i like to laugh a lot, sometimes i just start laughing out of nowhere and my friends are like "wtf?" lol BUT, i can be serious too
i can eat KETCHUP with about almost anything, really, ask my friends
ART=awesome way of self-expression..and poetry
NICE, CHILL kinda person, but if u get me mad.....dang ;) cool with me and i'll be cool with you
i like reese's peanut butter cups
i don't mind playin video games once in a while
sometimes i act like things don't bother me when they do, and it kills me inside, but i do say somethin when i feel i really have to
NOT a sports fanatic, so don't even try to talk to me about sports LOL..but, i don't mind shootin hoops once n a while although i'm not really into the game

I'd like to meet:

i'm down to meet anybody, but i'm NOT DOWN with LIARS and FAKE people. just be real and we're cool.


Michael Jackson
and as for other songs, i listen to wutever i find sounds good (lyric and/or beatwise).
check out my mixes here:


I like watching A LOT of movies! I'll watch a movie no matter what the genre is..I have so many favorites but I'm not gonna list them all :) just talk to me and find out :p


again, i like watching A LOT of things..just talk to me and you'll find out!


FAMiLY. FRiENDS. G0D/JESUS. people who can do things better than me n not brag about it.

My Blog

black over red

Euphoria (BAC = 0.03 to 0.12 percent) They become more self-confident or daring. Their attention span shortens. They may look flushed. Their judgement is not as good -- they may say the first thought...
Posted by ADAM C. [LAN562^] on Sat, 04 Aug 2007 09:54:00 PST

somethin to watch out for

> READ IT CAREFULLY....>> >> > A woman went boating one Sunday taking with her> some cans of coke which she put into the> refrigerator of t...
Posted by ADAM C. [LAN562^] on Mon, 23 Jul 2007 04:14:00 PST

apparently i'm a bad influence o_O

1. smoked.2. consumed alcohol.3. slept in the same bed with someone of the opposite sex.4. slept in the same bed with someone of the same sex.5. kissed someone of the same sex.6. had sex7. had someone...
Posted by ADAM C. [LAN562^] on Thu, 19 Jul 2007 03:11:00 PST


*i changed or completely removed some of the things i originally said.IT'S LIKE PULLIN A TRIGGER, AND THE BULLET'S SLOWLY COMIN AT YOU, IT MAY TAKE A WHILE BUT ITS GONNA GET YOU NO MATTER WHAT..A...
Posted by ADAM C. [LAN562^] on Mon, 09 Apr 2007 10:34:00 PST

i feel for J.D. man..haha

Posted by ADAM C. [LAN562^] on Thu, 29 Mar 2007 07:19:00 PST

READ THIS!!! its awesome!!

"THE UNEXAMINED LIFE IS NOT WORTH LIVING." -SOCRATES* * *LIFE IS TOO SHORT so just do WHATEVER makes you "FEEL" good.Do whatever makes you happy. Ditch class. Get high. Get drunk.The best time to star...
Posted by ADAM C. [LAN562^] on Tue, 27 Mar 2007 09:44:00 PST

MUSIC COLLECTION...still growing =)

*Other CDs I have are of various songs/artists ..i also have some songs from various artists on my computer..2pac-2pacalypse Now2pac-All Eyez On Me2pac-Better Dayz2pac Instrumentals2pac-Loyal to the G...
Posted by ADAM C. [LAN562^] on Mon, 12 Mar 2007 07:01:00 PST


*note: its supposed to say 'feat. Bone Thugs N Harmony' and not just Krayzie Bone on track 1. you might need WinRar..if you're havin trouble just tell me and i'll find another way to get u the mixtape...
Posted by ADAM C. [LAN562^] on Fri, 29 Dec 2006 10:32:00 PST

TRICKS (random poem i did back in 10th grade)

TRiCKS (dumb poem i did for english class lol) Sometimes the things you want the most, you can ne...
Posted by ADAM C. [LAN562^] on Tue, 28 Nov 2006 10:15:00 PST


the tracklist isn't final!!TRACKS YET TO BE ADDED:-Ballad of a Dead Soulja-Crooked N***a Too-Don't Go To Sleep-Happy Home-Hit 'Em Up-Life Goes On-Out On Bail-Wanted Dead or AliveFinal tracks haven't ...
Posted by ADAM C. [LAN562^] on Mon, 30 Oct 2006 06:01:00 PST