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Hotel Fear
The Asylum was founded in the late 1800’s as The Meadview Health Sanctuary. Its purpose was to foster good health through controlled diet, exercise and regulated purging of the intestinal tract. Once a cutting edge facility, its theories on health fell from social prominence. The facility declined into disuse.
By the early 1900’s society began to differentiate between criminal intent and criminal insanity. Meadview became reincarnated as mental institution, The Meadview Asylum for the Criminally Insane. A very young idealistic doctor, Fredric Vander joined the ranks of Meadview’s facility. Dr. Vander began to implement his theories into practice at the Asylum. Progress was slow but steady and Meadview began to develop a reputation as Dr. Vander rose through the ranks to eventually head the hospital.
Dr. Vander married Helen Sheridan and had two children, Alicia and Adrien. As the children grew, Adrien, born a child genius, became fascinated with his father’s work and made a decision to follow in his footsteps.
Many of Dr. Vander’s theories were slow and methodical, based on the premise of small steps taken and then reinforced by the patient. His objective was to treat the symptoms in hope of reinforcing reality and giving the patient some sort of normalcy during their internment. Adrien on the other hand had ideas of his own.
Under Dr. Vander’s guidance Meadview held the common belief that the purpose of the facility was merely to treat those inflicted. Adrien felt more aggressive and unorthodox procedures were necessary not to treat the criminally insane but to cure them! During Adrien’s studies at the best and most well known Universities in the world, he often came home to heated debates with his father over his theories.
On one holiday visit in the early 1950’s the entire Vander family was gathered at their residence at Meadview. A disastrous accident occurred. One of Dr. Vander’s patients escaped and murdered Dr. Vander, Helen and Alicia. Only Adrien managed somehow to escape death.
Petitioning the Lunacy Board, Dr. Adrien Vander was unanimously voted in as the new Director of Meadview to fulfill the legacy of his father.
The “New†Dr. Vander wasted no time in converting Meadview’s methodical approach to patient care to one of an aggressive, even revolutionary therapy. Dr. Vander became obsessed with finding a cure, instituted a new form of an old therapy, electric shock. He implemented his theory of “Pitch Black†into a viable therapy.
The hedge maze in the courtyard gardens of the Asylum was removed. In its place he erected an enclosed black maze. Pitch Black based itself on patients confronting their own worse fears. Patients were locked in, subjected to their one universal fear….the dark! Many of Dr. Vander’s new treatments were not only unorthodox, but unknown. No one was allowed to observe his sessions with his patients.
Dr. Vander began to achieve what many before him, including his own father, could not…success! Patients not only got better, but in many cases became cured and were returned to society. The more successful Dr. Vander became the less influence the Lunacy Commission had over Meadview. It became the last hope for many of the worse case patients. As its reputation grew, so did the accusations. Many in the medical community began to question Dr. Vander and his methods, especially after the Feoray Incident.
Mortimer, grandson of Hotel Feoray founder Jonathon Feoray, was a patient of Meadview. Although never convicted, Motimer was the leading suspect in the disappearance of his parents and grandfather. Mortimer became hyper-depressive after their disappearance. The Feoray and Vander families were close. As a favor, Mortimer was admitted to Meadview. After treatment by Dr. Vander, Mortimer was supposedly cured and released.
Given a clean bill of health by Dr. Vander, Mortimer returned to live at the Hotel. Although details are sketchy, during some sort of episode Mortimer went berserk and killed everyone in the Hotel! He killed everyone but Adrianne who was in room 13. There was speculation that one of Dr. Vander’s therapies placed a phobia of the number 13 in Mortimer’s physic. An attending physician speculated that Mortimer was afraid of Adrianne because of the similarity to Dr. Vander’s name…Adrian.
After the Feoray Incident the Lunacy Commission had no choice but to look into allegations about Meadview. One night Dr. Vander disappeared, possibly taking vital information with him. Patient’s families petitioned to have family members moved to other facilities. Meadview fell into a state of decline and decay.
Dr. Vander was never heard from again. Rumors persist that Mortimer is still seen on the grounds, although other sightings place him back at the Hotel. While Dr. Vander has not been seen, strangers claim they still hear patients wailing though the halls of the Asylum. Some speculate that Dr. Vander himself returns to continue his research. Maybe his desire is to find that elusive cure for insanity… in hopes to cure his own.