Carla profile picture


It's Meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!

About Me

Hello everyone! I finally learned how to give a description of myself. I finally found the edit button!!!Ok, first off, I'm not a cat, my hubby has posted a picture of my kitty cat, Jazzy. A picture of me is coming.Speaking of hubbies, I've got a great one. I asked God to send me someone, His will be done, and I got Andy, the love of my life. I enjoy growing and learning with him and love him more with each passing day.I take great pleasure in being a Baha'i. For more information about the The Baha'i Faith, check out also love to play the piano... .... img src="http://..

My Interests

I'm interested in achieving in the unity of mankind. "The earth is but one country and mankind its citizens". ~Baha'i Writings.

I'd like to meet:

I'd love to meet all of the Golden Girls: Bea Arthur, Estelle Geddes, Betty White and Rue Mcclanahan.I'd also love to meet Steve Perry of Journey.


Andy Sperandeo, Primal Point, Journey, Pat Metheny, Queensryche, IndiArie, Kurt Elling,


The Color Purple, Steel Magnolias, Pretty Woman, ok, so I haven't seen many movies.


Let's see, can you say GOLDEN GIRLS????!!!!


Baha'i Writings, The works of Cindy Mccallum


Mama and Daddy