I do like jam spreaders, art pointers, carpet dribblers, posh nodders, radiator huggers, drinkers not sippers, nose blowers, gob spitters, dirty slurrrers, think it's 'PUNKS' they call it... beak lovers, but by far no flippy floppy hippies. People with creativeness & destruction, attitude, self discipline, self importance & HONESTY.
...and can put up shelves and not dance around like some fucking flapping nancy going "Ooooh I don't know though." JUST PISS OFF won't you just. SERIOUSLY TIRED OF YOUR SILENCE AND LACK OF INVIDUALITY, GROW A FUCKING BACK BONE LAAAAAAHV.
Do message me before requesting an add having something to say, I'm not easily impressed in common blaaaaaandness.
Don't be no sleazy sex horny dirty fuck either, it doesn't interest me in the slightest...
"You know what the trouble with me is? I can never get really sexy--I mean really sexy--with a girl I don't like a lot. I mean I have to like her a lot. If I don't, I sort of lose my goddam desire for her and all. Boy, it really screws up my sex life something awful. My sex life stinks."
"I hate so much bein' disappointed by a man who you think's dead charming & then they turn out to be a cunt. That's worse than them turning out to be a prick." - MISS LAINEY
"I've told myself I've been in love. I've told myself I've been in love lots of times, but that's kind of like forced. I'm supposed to be, I'm old enough now, I should feel this way. I would say I've been in lust, I've been physically attracted to people for lengthy periods of time and to the exclusion of everything else, but I wouldn't necessarily call that love because if it was love it would last. I'm too old-fashioned in that sense, you know. If it doesn't last then it's not love. Because I think love is eternal, probably." - RICHEY EDWARDS
. . "ALL oF liFe Is PAiN, BUt tHe pAiN I feeL iS tHe PaIN fLEEtiNG j0Y" . .
The sparkliest mouthiest beautifulist fragilist sexiest messiest strongest amaaaaaazzziiinnngggnest most inspirational twinkle star x
"Listen you fuckers, you screwheads, here's a man who would not take it anymore, who would not let... Listen you fuckers you screwheads, here's a man who would not take it anymore, a man who stood up against the scum, the cunts, the dogs, the filth, the shit. Here is someone who stood up."
"life is really beautiful, really it is, without it you'd be dead."
Wish I had met...
Jeff Buckley
Chris Matthews, my angel, seven years gone, lost my LOVE that could've been but never was... I miss him forever everyday, but he's always with me... until I'm happy xXx OiOi OhBugger Sandra Dee you are with me.