"Its A Girl!!!!!!!!" profile picture

"Its A Girl!!!!!!!!"

I let u go but gained somethin so much betta.....'Should I Call It Happiness'....Happiness is wat it

About Me

I just recently joined the Navy so i'm starting a new life pretty soon. I love to write and i love to dance. I am a very talented and athletic person even though i only look 14 i am 19 and legal so get it together...I closed one door in my life and somehow managed to open another without questioning if its gonna work or not. I am happy with myself and i plan to keep it that way. I am currently in a relationship and i am happy for the time being...u kno how that goes...lol Naw but i am happy and i hope it stays that way.. So i gotta show some luv to my fam bcuz they r so important tome right now so stay up momma,jay,vicki,jas,angel,jon,and dominique luv ya'll. This is me myspace get to kno me betta iight i kno u'll like me......(smile)

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My Interests


The Favorites, Have-You-Evers.. and Last Times! Oh, the variety!
What is your favorite..
gum: double mint
restaurant: I Hop
drink: Sprit
season: Summer
type of weather: Rainy
emotion: In Love
thing to do on a half day: sleep
late-night activity: Watchin TV
sport: Basketball
city: Norfolk,Va
store: Foot Locker
When was the last time you..
cried: Dont kno
played a sport: Couple months ago
laughed: today
hugged someone: today
kissed someone: today
felt depressed: dont kno
felt elated: dont kno
felt overworked: day after christmas
faked sick: last year
lied: dont kno
What was the last..
word you said: shit
thing you ate: pizza
song you listened to: one by tyrese
thing you drank: cherry coke
place you went to: Nail Shop
movie you saw: Gloary Road
movie you rented: dont kno
concert you attended: super jam
Who was the last person you..
hugged: Markevis
cried over: dont kno
kissed: Markevis
danced with: Jasmine(lil sister)
shared a secret with: Angel
had a sleepover with: dont do sleepovers
called: Angel
went to a movie with: The Fam
saw: Vicki(lil sister)
were angry with: jay
couldn't take your eyes off of: Markevis
obsessed over: no one
Have you ever..
danced in the rain: no
kissed someone: yes
done drugs: no
drank alcohol: yes
slept around: haaaaaaaa
partied 'til the sun came up: yes
had a movie marathon: no
gone too far on a dare: no
spun until you were immensely dizzy: yes
taken a survey quite like this before: yes
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Monica - Angel Of Mine

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