-One Year Waiting-"Good things happen with time, great things happen all at once". We all expect the future to hold such promise, and we wait for our good fortune to shine through the seemingly endless abyss of fear and uncertainty. In the hearts of 4 youths with a deep seeded love for music the waiting would be over, the year would be on the horizon, and the uniting of intellect, talent and boyish good looks would ignite the inferno that is One Year Waiting.
It all started back in 2003.. Alex, Little Necks hometown drumming hero, known for his incredible rhythm and blazing fast skills on his drum kit, had been the proverbial time bomb ready to explode, releasing shards of unrivaled skill into the innocent ears of his friends. When a close pal, Dan Gray had discovered that his friend had deviated from the norm in talent, he decided to dedicate his hours to an instrument that symbolized sex, power and machismo. The guitar was Dans weapon of choice and his life suddenly had new meaning.
John Ryan Had befriended Alex during a crucial Saint Francis Prep rock club meeting. Alex had been playing a blink 182 riff and the sound of incorrect notes and lack of rhythm floated weightlessly towards Johns incredibly sensitive ears. Was it fate or plain luck, that Johns meticulous nature had resulted in the two goons becoming acquainted? To corroborate such accusations of poor guitar playing Alex had invited John to his house to examine some songs he was working on. The two hit it off from the beginning, creating ideas that are still crowd favorites today. However, much to johns dismay a second guest had been invited.
Mario had waltzed into Alexs house, forgetting to greet Alexs mother, asking for food, and flexing his non existent muscles. Mario had introduced himself to john by mumbling under his breath and avoiding eye contact. Alex and Mario had already began making music with a project known as the Moops, showing Marios lacksidasical approach towards punk rock and use of words most teenagers only dreamed of using. In a sense it was the failure of everyones individual take on music that created One Year Waiting.
Although they had all possessed the vocal ability to provide One Year Waiting with the melodic foundation it needed, they looked for someone who could take on the responsibility of the vocal position. Nico Cappucio had been Johns academic rival since the 2nd grade, however they were willing to set their differences aside and share spots in a band together. After several shows Nico decided it was time to leave the band, for undisclosed reasons, but he left us with one last quote that will live on in our hearts forever You guys practice, Ill go catch a bluebird. With no hard feelings towards Nico the band was finally set in stone: Alex, John, Mario and Dan. Once struggling sperm donors, now aberrant musicians who are ready to take on the world
Alex: callmeald
John: milkus2000
Mario: Streetskate98182
Daniel: dgredstorm747
Someone Else