Friendship, music, photography, writing, reading, worship, quiet times, loud times, taking walks, art, the sky, astronomy, simplicity, observing, Uncommon Grounds, searching for shooting stars, pain, cameras, sun sets and sunrises, the human heart, the beach, nature, trees, joy, the 60s, conversations about different issues, vegeterianism, listening, making people laugh, the unseen, water, stories, small teeth, instruments, philosophy, shoes, bowling, UNO, Tetris, old movies, vintage things, God, nice people, complexity, tea, animals, burning things, unconventionality, revolution, literature, bike rides, Jesus, coffee shops, pro life, love, peace, and hugs.
dreamers. achievers. revolutionaries.
I'm not a big movie watcher.
TV doesn't amuse me.
I recommend Blue Like Jazz
he·ro [heer-oh]
a person who, in the opinion of others,
has heroic qualities or has performed a heroic act
and is regarded as a model or ideal.
Jesus Christ
Jamie Tworkowski
Here for:
Body Type:
fun size.
visionary. observer. analyzer. human.