We were a band.
In fact we tried to be a band from march 2005 to january 2006.
MPb3 was the second trial of a band named Music Played by Three .
We turned into MPb3 when Guillaume Eluerd joined us because Stephane Bouvier didn't want to sing anymore. The music we were doing at first became more folky, so Cyril Bilbeaud, our drummer, left. And we were three again. At the end we did a few rehearsals with a new drummer Thomas Daigueperce.
But we failed to make real what we had in mind
and we splitted in early 2006.
So you could listen to 4 songs we did in rehearsal which are the most accomplished ones.
Of course, sometimes one of us lost it but the feeling is there.
So that's it, you know everything.
The only purpose of this page is to make available what we finally
accomplished in less than a year to whoever wants to listen.
If you want to know what we're doing now, check our different links in Our Friends column.
any comments will be appreciated.
You could listen to our earlier band Music Played by Three on our other MySPACE page :
I edited my profile with Thomas Myspace Editor V3.6 !