An Egyptian Fable - "BEAN tHere... dOne tHat!
A Russian Tale - The Angry Bullet!
art Two and the Conclusion of THE ANGRY BULLET!!
Here's the link to all the rest of the pictures from my trip to Tokyo. There are way too many for me to have put them all in a BLOG. Let me know what you think.Tokyo PICS
A TALE OF TWO SINNERS - The Tokyo Chronicles -
featuring Jigga and Jay Bizzle ...............Chapter One - Destination Unknown (1/27/07)................Chapter Two - Don't Take Photographs (1/28/07)
hapter 3 (sure why not!) The Book
I am a living, breathing, creator. . . determined, poetic, romancer . . . singing, acting, director. . . life loving, heroic, cut-chu-twice-wit-a sharp scissor. . . spiritually enhanced, with much BIG presents, Artiste son of the Lord. . . . . . And I like chocolate.