oOo Steffi Shameless oOo profile picture

oOo Steffi Shameless oOo

†Yeah I'm a selfish bastard, but at least I'm not alone†

About Me

MyGen Profile Generator

I dont belong here
and I'm not well

Now that you're here on my profile, I welcome you in my personal record. My Name is Stefanie and I live here in germany in the end of nothing, so needless to say where exactly i am. I'm 21 sice Sept.11th, I know I know, fucking date, but I cant change it, and after we all know what happened on sept. 11th I take it for granted that no one ever forget about my B-day lolAnyways, I dont like perfection thats why you dont need to write me your personal record down in a mail to see if I could like to have you on my Friendslist. I dont care who you are or where you're from as long as you keep talking to me. Otherwise I will delete you as soon as I added you. So dont waste your time with adding me if you dont plan to keep in touch with me.To tell you a bit about myself: I love to hang around, i have loads of lazy bones beneath my Jeans but you can count on me if you need me. I see it as my worst habit, cause people use to use you if they know that.I'm a little random, I love to talk about this and that and you can bet that you lose if you try to discuss with me...cause I'm always right!I hate offensive mails or comments on here, so be sure that I'm going to ignore them if you try to connect with me on a base like that, cause ignorance is bliss.I'm a funny person, love to make jokes and i feel good if I can make people happy, but I'm not a comedian,You can talk to me about serious things aswell and I give you the guarantee that I'll keep secrets you tell me.I think that is enough for now and maybe I didnt answer the questions on here that you wanna know, so feel free to ask me whatever you want to know.

My Interests

Cars Computer Music Friends Concerts
You Belong in Los Angeles
Whether you'll admit it or not, a huge part of you likes being in the spotlight.
And you may just have enough star quality to make it big in LA!
Even if you don't become famous, you still belong in a place where you can get a year round tan.

I'd like to meet:



30 seconds to mars Alex Band THE CALLING Evanescence Silverchair 3 Doors Down HIM Breaking Benjamin Bon Jovi P!NK Sub7even Die Toten Hosen Robbie Williams The Neon Calm Hinder
Tommy Lee


Dirty Dancing Coyote ugly Butterfly effect The Guardian HEAT Cruel Intensions While you were sleeping




American Star Movie Star Rock Star Lethal Seduction Lucky Player each of Jackie Collins


Used to be more bigger things that everyone knows, but had a lot of time to think about the persons who are really heroes for all the small things...people who save other peoples lifes

My Blog

oOo Mein Vater ist kein Polizist oOo

Well this Blog is about some & fun lol Actually its about the last evening in Birmingham, omg that night was the best ever!! Naah, I'm not talking bout naughty stuff haha I just didnt tell ya the wh...
Posted by oOoSteffiliciousoOo [a beautiful lie] on Thu, 26 Apr 2007 06:39:00 PST

oOo 30 seconds to Mars and UK in general oOo

Wahey everybody!! I'm back in germany since a couple of hours! Back from our tour Liverpool-Cardiff-Birmingham-Liverpool! Well where do I start? I guess beginning would be nice,eh? Lol Well lets see...
Posted by oOoSteffiliciousoOo [a beautiful lie] on Wed, 25 Apr 2007 01:55:00 PST

oOo I love you oOo

I never really said that, but I love my doggie. I said I hate him, he's a bitch and all that creepy things but in the end there's nothing I love more in life. So I thought I'm gonna "blog him" my dear...
Posted by oOoSteffiliciousoOo [a beautiful lie] on Wed, 11 Apr 2007 08:22:00 PST

oOo Whats the use oOo

of frikkin sundays? where nothing is happening, nofrikkinbody online to talk to and absolutely nothing to do? Guys, seriously, I'm thinking about cleaning my room and go back to bed!! This never happ...
Posted by oOoSteffiliciousoOo [a beautiful lie] on Sun, 25 Feb 2007 08:27:00 PST

oOo new old addiction oOo

Since I dont have a life, I thought I'm gonna make some new ...lets call it "arts" lol here you go with some icons...I hate these frikkin thingies cause they are such too hard for me to make.   ...
Posted by oOoSteffiliciousoOo [a beautiful lie] on Thu, 08 Feb 2007 06:47:00 PST

oOo Ready, the 2nd oOo 30 sec. to Mars in NL oOo

Yaa, this time Tomo asked if I was ready, not Jared lol anyways, since i didnt write a review for the last show, I'm gonna do it this time   Okay, Sarah and me wanted to go to Utrecht sooo bad b...
Posted by oOoSteffiliciousoOo [a beautiful lie] on Sun, 04 Feb 2007 10:44:00 PST

oOo From Yesterday, 30 seconds to mars review oOo

okay, yesterday was the fuckin best concert E.V.E.R!!!! Since i deleted what i wrote before, I'm too lazy to write it all again, so I first give you my pics and videos and tomorrow the full review, ok...
Posted by oOoSteffiliciousoOo [a beautiful lie] on Tue, 30 Jan 2007 10:20:00 PST

oOo Hear my heart that's barely beating oOo

No, this is not about my past...its not about my friends or "not anymore friends" or what on earth ever. Its about right now, bout what I feel, bout what i think, bout pretty nothing in general... Its...
Posted by oOoSteffiliciousoOo [a beautiful lie] on Wed, 10 Jan 2007 08:23:00 PST

oOo my last blog 2006 oOo

soo, this will be my last blog for this year and i thought I write something like a little review. Well, lets see... 2006 was a year full of happiness, sadness, joy, laziness,pain, shame and crap. The...
Posted by oOoSteffiliciousoOo [a beautiful lie] on Sun, 31 Dec 2006 08:41:00 PST

oOo Most beautiful woman oOo

lol I should be listed there too ha ha ha I think its pretty fun, if you wanna do one yourself go to and click on "face recognition" Here's my result ...
Posted by oOoSteffiliciousoOo [a beautiful lie] on Sat, 16 Dec 2006 08:15:00 PST