i used to be all obsessed with rain but now i straighten my hair so its like...damn there goes that obsession. i never did get the hang of daydreaming but i like the idea. beer is always good so that can be an interest , music and gigs are fun. friends are briiiliant. been playing faaar too much ps3 recently, i dont actually get any college work done. its frigging oblivion that wont let me leave!
someone who gives a shit. really.
so much love.
i used to love fern gully but now it seems really rubbish.
still completely addicted to friends and the oc. i cant stop.
The hitch hickers guide to the fucking galaxy man. ooh and the northern light books and to kill a mocking bird (yeah you know hannah). you gotta love harry potter although those books are blatantly not suitable for kids any more that last one was well scary. pff.