STOCKKARR profile picture


Spending all my time WRITING about it:)

About Me

We are each intelligent energy that vibrates at a specific speed.

"If you know me, you will know i live a interesting and unique life, there usually is not a dull moment. I don't tend to go out and create craziness, it's just attracted to me like a positive inergy. I like to make experiences rememberable and will go that extra mile to make sure it is. I don't like when you want to tell somebody something important and you cannot simple because they don't want to hear it. I tend to smile instead of a loud laugh.....on occasion i'll laugh like an idiot! When it rains, I'll carry my let it rain. Traveling makes you define yourself, especially being lost and confused during your travels. Go with out a GPS or map and see what happens! I've done alot of traveling, discovering alot about myself. Friends is the number one discovery that I've made. You'll know who will be there thick and thin. I miss some of you more than i let on. I can make friends fairly easy. I've done alot for my 27 years on this beautiful planet. I'm abit of a risk taker.....take it or leave it! Have had my own business, seen amazing places that most people will not even see in there life time, loved and been in love, scored some game winning goals, experienced some of my dreams, experienced heart break, death of friends, one being a best friend, seen George Clinton and the P-funk all stars front row with a bright ass flashlight (all the original band members) I've broken bones, had stitches, been snorkeling, skiing, snowboarding, rode in helicopters, made other peoples dreams come true, broken a few hearts. I've made things from scratch and continue to do so. I inspire others to do great things. I've been so drunk, the police thought i was dead, while wearing all white in LA. I've met some very powerful people and they have asked me for advice. Been in some of Donald Trumps Buildings (and not just the lobby) I've been called a piece of meat from a group of women visiting NYC they were from London. I've taken a dance class. I'm moving to Italy in 3 years(been there once) I've rock climbed, seen deadly wild animals in the wild close up and i wasn't hunting or looking for them. I think i seen an alien (weird story) I've driven cross country and drove on MANY other long trips. Have had my house broken into while i was there and actually was grabbed by the intruder. I have won multiple first prizes for Halloween Contest . I have won many drawings or door prizes. Stayed a night in jail, been in shackles. Slept outside with no blankets or shelter. I've almost drowned while tubing. Just because i may not be engaged does not mean i am not involved. My grandfather was struck by lighting (lighting is fascinating but, i sometimes fear it). I sometimes find reason to hold grudges towards friends and not talk to them for years. I don't like this and have been fixing that problem. Learning to live and forget! I've stayed awake for 5 days with no sleep, maybe napped for 10 minutes. I've slept for 42 hours before (i don't recommend it) Although i love sleep! I'm very romantic. I'm usually real good at things i have never done. I get bored quicker than i would like. I don't really care for talking on the phone.....unless it's someone i cannot talk to any other way. I'm spontaneous. I've had the Boot on my car TWICE!! I've rode my mountain bike through Heinz Stadium (Pittsburgh Steelers). I make wishes in fountains with selective coins i find in my pocket. i Don't like capitalizing the letter "i". I've sang on a song that was professional recorded and CD's were made. Singing alone in my car kicks ass, with someone it's just cool. I've watch someone die and didn't even know it. Very polite to strangers and people in the service industry. Indian Giver i am! My blood is 20ish% Cherokee Indian. I have made large audiences laugh. I didn't push myself academically in high school, worked my ass off in college. Started partying at a young age, it's starting to lose it flavor. I can feel something different during full moons. I've successfully crowd surfed. Been stung by a jellyfish and caught a Butterfly. Swam in a school of fish....a few thousand strong. I like to eat Swiss Cake Rolls and Cheez-It's. The perfect pizza for me is a Hawaiian (pineapple, bacon, and ham) I like to be very fluid with my movements, i guess that would make me graceful. I've been described as 150 ponds of finesse. I make things cool, whatever it is i will make it better. Music is usually playing around me at all times. My dad and i don't understand each other. I miss the comfortable life i had in Pittsburgh , but i don't want to go back. I love the game soccer, darts, and horseshoes. I prefer swimming in a very warm pool, but i love water. I'm learning to speak Italian. Always re-inventing myself. I want to learn a few dances like the Tango. It will come in handy when i move to Italy and travel through Europe. I like quality! i don't settle. When it comes to kissing your only as good, as the person you are kissing. Hope your good!! Damn life can be wonderful.....just go make it that way. It's that simple!
Karma is GREAT.

"Karma is Sanskrit for deed or act and it refers to your destiny. The term started with Hindus who believe all a person's past lives and actions gather to create the present conditions of that person. Another way to think about Karma is the law of cause and effect."

And i'll always come out the winner......let's play! It's my Karma.

"Party like a Rockstar, Play like an All-Star, Live like a Moviestar and Fuck like a Pornstar, and I'm named Stockkarr!"

So they wanted my credit card for the other finger less glove and earing......use your imagination, I'm broke!!

My Interests

living life, style, traveling, how things are built, dreams and their meanings, positive and negative space, soaking up the suns energy, enlightenment, being naked in the rain , Italia, making a difference, teaching, Kick Ass Girls, photography/composition, soccer, striking that perfect volley, 23, new experiences, creating something new, being on the road, design (furniture, cars, living spaces), Art, figuring out how to eliminate the need to shovel snow, figuring out "there's gotta be a better way" making it big by fulfilling my dreams and goals, INNOVATION-MASS APPEAL-MARKET ABILITY-PASSION being myself, and some of the interesting, good people on our planet. Spiritual and practical ways to create more abundance and more fun in my life...."May you always have Love to Share, Health to Spare,and Friends that Care oh yea and BEER!"

I'd like to meet:

I'm here to keep in touch with all of my Homies, friends and to meet some few new ones. What up friends? I want to meet people who understand the value of " maintenance ", everything you own or care about requires this; don't be lazy! People that are loyal, trusting, honest, and anyone who can make me laugh. A cool Italian chick to kick it with......oh and she must like motorcycles and soccer!

People i will meet: Richard Branson, David Beckham Donald Trump, Jay-Z, Uma Thurman (again, wasn't prepared for that encounter), Josh Anderson of Pittsburgh Dave Chapel. KEEP iT REAL!!!


"Music is the weapon of the future" Feel the beat, dig the rhythm. iLISTEN: Funk to Punk, Classical to Techno, Rock to Pop, Jazz to Opera, Country to Rap, Underground to Top 40. u name it i've probably rocked it....Live and Downloaded!! Don't be naive to your music options, it reflects your intelligents


Click below to peep my Portfolio:


NOT MUCH NOW, IT'S SUMMER!!! but when i do, i record it to my media center. SurvivorMan, Man vs Wild, How it's Made, American Inventor, Building our Future, Family Guy, i like commercials


"The Wealthy Spirit", "The Zen and Art of making a living", "Richest Man in Babylon" "Don't Worry, Make Money" "why do I always have to sit next to the farting cat?" Surfing the Himalayas, Mindfullness in Plain English, Think and Grow Rich. Parametric Modeling with SolidWorks 2007, always up for suggestions?


Master Fwap, my balance, the brilliant person who invented the "mini-skirt" people who make a positive difference in our world, people who go for it and "do it while they can!"

My Blog

orgin of the "DEADLINE"

During the Civil War, there was an infamous POW camp at Andersonville, Georgia.Due to a wartime shortage of building materials, the camp had no fence around it. Soto keep the prisoners inside, the gen...
Posted by STOCKKARR on Sat, 01 Sep 2007 06:45:00 PST

it's just myspace....right

they say you never realize something till it's gone! or set it free and if it comes back it's yours! or you really know who your true friends are! what about this one, it's only myspace! what if myspa...
Posted by STOCKKARR on Thu, 18 Jan 2007 09:28:00 PST


» Canadian researchers have found that Einstein's brain was 15% wider than normal. » While in Alcatraz, Al Capone was inmate ..85. » The actor who played Wedge in the original Star Wars trilogy has...
Posted by STOCKKARR on Fri, 31 Mar 2006 12:10:00 PST

Your Odds

Odds of being struck by lighting: 1 in 576,000   Odds of being killed by lighting: 1 in 2,320,000   Odds of being murdered: 1 in 18,000   Odds of getting away with murder: 1...
Posted by STOCKKARR on Fri, 18 Nov 2005 11:59:00 PST