This is 'MY SHOW' if you know what I mean. The show is about a MODERN DAY prophet....who is a normal person with normal problems. Eli was a normal person just like everyone else. Eli was a huge sinner, on the wrong path, and then one day GOD starting talking to Eli. AT FIRST, everyone, including his family, friends, and co-workers thought that Eli was crazy AND THEY PATRONIZED HIM. Then slowly but surely people start believing Eli and see that his visions from God are the truth AND AT FIRST ELI EVEN HAD TROUBLE BELIEVING what God was telling him. At FIRST ELI BLAMES HIS VISIONS ON HIS BRAIN ANEURYSM..because he is thinking 'it's not normal' to get visions from God and see the future.... so the normal thing would be to go to a doctor right????...But then after a lot of time, thought, and studying Eli starts to believe that he is indeed getting messages from God AND HE DOESN'T HAVE A MEDICAL PROBLEM. Eli gets daily messages from God that AT FIRST **HE** was ignoring and thought that he was crazy himself. He sought help from doctors and friends but comes to find out that no one but God can help him. Part of the reason why I love this show is because of the struggles that Eli goes through. He wonders why God would choose him out of everyone else. Eli wonders why God would choose someone that was a terrible sinner, why not choose someone else, maybe a person that never sinned, never made any mistakes, and didn't have a shady past. HOWEVER, when watching the show you will find THAT GOD WORKS IN MYSTERIOUS WAYS!! IF YOU 'KNOW WHAT I MEAN'. God starts to talk to Eli through MOVIES, through SINGERS, and through EVERYTHING IN HIS LIFE. You name it and God is there!! Basically Eli comes to a point where there is nothing he can do BUT BELIEVE THE MESSAGES HE IS RECEIVING from God AND START TO CHANGE HIS LIFE..and maybe even the WORLD I could on and on here...basically you NEED TO WATCH SEASON 1 before October 14th and then you will be caught up on the show.
Who knows....after watching the show maybe you will be ABLE TO UNDERSTAND OTHER WAYS THAT God talks to all of us.
Oh yeah before I forget, one of the funniest things about the show is that God starts talking to Eli, THROUGH A GAY SINGER, GEORGE MICHAELS. Which is pretty crazy and cool right? Kinda makes you think....anyways....I'm going to get off of here and go listen to my Queen CD and listen to one of my favorite songs "Somebody to love" it's a great song...if you get some time you should watch this video at the bottom of this LIL MSG
Okay okay one more thingie!! My birthday is on Jan 30th! And the STRANGEST AND COOLEST THING is that Eli Stone STARTED THE DAY AFTER MY BIRTHDAY. Eli Stone premiered on Jan 31, 2007....THE DAY AFTER MY B-DAY. WOW!!! It's crazy isn't it????
God bless everyone! AND just an FYI ~ it's all new and exciting to me as well.
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