BitchFairy profile picture



About Me

i got my layout from

My Interests

Art, Movies, Music

I'd like to meet:

Anyone who actually has something to say...not just your cute blah blah blah. I'm not interested in generic pic up lines, no I dont want to get married or cyber with you. If you want to have a real conversation that is great cuz that's all I'm interested in. I am very blunt and honest..and I always will be.


Metallica, Smashing Pumpkins, Aerosmith, Guns'N'Roses, Black Crowes, Alice in Chains, Counting Crows, Jack Johnson, Luis Armstrong. Mostly all older music, I dont really like new music


I love movies. Some of my fav's are Interview with the Vampire, Nightmare Before Christmas, Stay, History of Violence, Peter Pan, Meet Joe Black, Collateral, Life is Beautiful, Shawshank redemption, Lady in the Water, the Terminal, Oceans eleven, Sixth Sense, Closer, Knocked Up, 12 Monkeys, Signs, Seven, Bullet Proof, Shrek, Gattaca, Lord of the Rings, Incredibles, Snatch, Instinct, 50 First Dates, Wag the dog, Before Sunrise, Before Sunset, lucky number slevin and most of Robin Williams, Dustin Hoffman, Adam Sandler and Anthony Hopkins movies


Ellen, The Daily Show, City Line, that 70's show, Grey's Anatomy and House but I dont watch a lot of tv...really (:


I'm a geek and like fairy tale type of books...not the DND kind (which has nothing to do with my screen name which was a joke that I ended up sticking with)


John Stewart...

My Blog

this is how bored I was

                   Seven Deadly Sins Survey:    Wrath      Who did ...
Posted by BitchFairy on Thu, 28 Jun 2007 02:14:00 PST


  21% more male than you  6% like you  73% more female than you ...yeah I'm just getting more manly every year!!! ...
Posted by BitchFairy on Wed, 20 Jun 2007 10:16:00 PST

teehee a little Brain Storm

Alright guys , lets hear the greatest (yet still safe) pranks you can think up....something very vindictive for a very special someone No I wont actually be going through with them....but I think the ...
Posted by BitchFairy on Thu, 14 Jun 2007 10:16:00 PST


So me and my optician were talking the other day and during our conversation she leaned her head up against one of the walls&then all of a sudden her face screws up with disgust and she starts sniffi...
Posted by BitchFairy on Mon, 11 Jun 2007 11:44:00 PST