cute little dogs, dressing up dogs haha, shopping, i love Dior, vacationing in tropical places, fruity cocktail drinks, movies, clubbing, snowboarding, love eating ice cream and just desserts in general (anything thats sweet and loaded with sugar)
friends i've lost contact with..that's all. So if you remember me from some point in your life then say Hi.
Anything that has a hot beat. I like mostly anything and everything except for Country music. Hip hop, R&B, Reggae, Reggaeton, Pop. Ne-Yo!
I love movies from Disney and Pixar. My favorites are Beauty and the Beast, Alladin, Lion King, and The Little Mermaid because they have the best soundtracks. Other movies i like are Finding Nemo, Oceans Eleven, Drumline, Serendipity...
I am obsessed with Lost and Grey's Anatomy when they have new episodes. I'm also into stupid reality tv shows, especially the ones on MTV, like Laguna Beach, The Hills, My Super Sweet Sixteen and Run's House. I never get tired of reruns of Friends and Everybody Loves Raymond. And one of my favorite channels is the Food Network. I especially like watching the shows that feature desserts (yummy!!) and cool looking cakes (like those cake challenges).